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Our expert trainers share tips on weight loss, muscle building, nutrition, and more. Explore our blog and achieve your best self!

Weight Gain and Weight Loss Explained by Nutrition Coach Milos Tanasic

Weight Gain and Weight Loss Explained by Nutrition Coach Milos Tanasic

Maintaining a healthy body weight is something that many people struggle with. Several contributing factors can lead to weight gain, but the most prevalent ones are ultra-processed foods and lack of movement. These two lifestyle choices have become so widespread that obesity has become one of the world's leading causes of health problems.

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Bespoke Online Fitness Coaching - Transform Your Body With The Best Online Personal Trainers
Body Transformations & Weight Loss Milos Tanasic Body Transformations & Weight Loss Milos Tanasic

Bespoke Online Fitness Coaching - Transform Your Body With The Best Online Personal Trainers

Looking to transform your body and finally see the results you've been working so hard for? Look no further! Our bespoke online training service is precisely what you need. We'll take care of everything for you, from the initial onboarding call to the day-to-day communication, weekly check-ins, and beyond. You'll have access to high-quality workout videos and complete instructions, plus the opportunity to record and send videos for our professional trainers to review.

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How To Lose Belly Fat, Face Fat, and Body Fat The Right Way - Comments and Tips by Nutrition Coach Olga S.
Body Transformations & Weight Loss Olga Sidorova Body Transformations & Weight Loss Olga Sidorova

How To Lose Belly Fat, Face Fat, and Body Fat The Right Way - Comments and Tips by Nutrition Coach Olga S.

Almost all our clients have a similar request - to lose fat in certain parts of their bodies. The most frequent questions are how to lose belly fat, how to lose fat in the thighs and buttocks, and how to lose fat in the face. For men, the main questions are how to lose fat in the chest area, get rid of the belly, or get six packs in one month. Ideally, most of us want fast results. That’s why people ask how to lose fat in a month or even in a week, what burns fat fast, and in general, most of us search for express methods to lose weight. 

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How To Achieve a Body Transformation? Review by Online Personal Trainer and Physique Transformation Expert Milos Tanasic!
Body Transformations & Weight Loss Milos Tanasic Body Transformations & Weight Loss Milos Tanasic

How To Achieve a Body Transformation? Review by Online Personal Trainer and Physique Transformation Expert Milos Tanasic!

What a body transformation is and how one achieves it is a question that many people have asked, and the answer is quite complex. A body transformation can cover multiple elements, from becoming more accountable to physically and mentally stronger. All these elements combined lead to the ultimate goal of having a better physique. To lose fat and build muscle, you must understand the basics of exercise science and nutrition. That's why we offer an in-person and online body transformation program here at Fortius Dubai.

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Can You Transform Your Body in 4 Weeks? Science Behind It And Client's success stories!
Body Transformations & Weight Loss Milos Tanasic Body Transformations & Weight Loss Milos Tanasic

Can You Transform Your Body in 4 Weeks? Science Behind It And Client's success stories!

It's a question that's been asked repeatedly - can you transform your body in just 4 weeks? The answer, as always, is it depends. Some people might be able to see incredible results in such a short period of time, while others might need a little bit more time to make fundamental changes. What I can say for sure is that with the right approach, a 4-week body transformation is possible. In this blog post, I will answer some fundamental questions related to building muscle and burning fat, look at what's involved in such a transformation and explain why working with a professional coach can help you quickly and safely achieve great results.

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Body Transformation Story: My Journey From Sedentary and Unhealthy Office Worker to Nutrition Coaching Expert in Dubai!
Body Transformations & Weight Loss Olga Sidorova Body Transformations & Weight Loss Olga Sidorova

Body Transformation Story: My Journey From Sedentary and Unhealthy Office Worker to Nutrition Coaching Expert in Dubai!

I never thought of sharing my story! But being asked how I achieved my results, what my lifestyle is, what I eat, and where I find motivation, I decided to summarize it in an article that might be useful for people with the same background and starting point as mine. 

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How to Lose Weight Fast? A comprehensive guide by Personal Trainer Milos!
Body Transformations & Weight Loss Milos Tanasic Body Transformations & Weight Loss Milos Tanasic

How to Lose Weight Fast? A comprehensive guide by Personal Trainer Milos!

There is a lot of information on the internet about how to lose weight fast. Unfortunately, much of it is inaccurate or incomplete. This blog post will provide a comprehensive guide to losing weight quickly and safely. I will start by explaining the science behind weight loss and then discuss how to calculate your metabolic rate and track your calories. Finally, I will recommend macronutrient intake and provide a scientific guide to sustainable weight loss. If you are looking to lose weight quickly but safely, be sure to read this blog post!

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Why Scale Weight Should Not Be the Only Indicator of Success During Your Weight Loss Journey!

Why Scale Weight Should Not Be the Only Indicator of Success During Your Weight Loss Journey!

When you're trying to lose weight, it's natural to want to see results as quickly as possible. You hop on the scale and are disappointed when you don't see the number go down. So you try harder the next day, but no progress is made. This can be incredibly discouraging, and many people give up altogether because they feel like doing something wrong. But did you know that scale weight is not always an accurate indicator of success during your weight loss journey? Body composition is a much better tool to assess progress!

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Lose Weight Effectively with Our Dieting Templates: Comprehensive Overview of Our 12-Week Meal Plan + Free Assessment
Body Transformations & Weight Loss Milos Tanasic Body Transformations & Weight Loss Milos Tanasic

Lose Weight Effectively with Our Dieting Templates: Comprehensive Overview of Our 12-Week Meal Plan + Free Assessment

Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you feel like you have tried every diet out there, and they don't work for you? Well, we have good news! Our Dieting Templates can help you lose weight effectively and permanently. Our templates take people through a 12-week process that has been proven to help them lose unwanted weight and fat.

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