Lose Weight Effectively with Our Dieting Templates: Comprehensive Overview of Our 12-Week Meal Plan + Free Assessment

Healthy Meal Plans - Dieting Templates

Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you feel like you have tried every diet out there, and they don't work for you? Well, we have good news! Our Dieting Templates can help you lose weight effectively and permanently. Our templates take people through a 12-week process that has been proven to help them lose unwanted weight and fat. We also offer a free online assessment with a Nutritional advisor who will answer questions and explain how to apply the dieting templates correctly.

I want to start losing weight today!

How do our weight loss templates work?

Meal Plan For Weight Loss Phases

Our Dieting Templates take you through a 12-week process that includes 4 phases:

  1. Base Phase

  2. Weight Loss Phase 1

  3. Weight Loss Phase 2

  4. Maintenance Phase 

Each of these phases has a different purpose and will help take you through sustainable weight loss with a maintenance phase to ensure you keep off the weight for good! Each stage has over 65 different foods that can be combined to give you the perfect meal of your choice that will fit your weight loss goals! Every day you will have 3 meals and a snack of your choice!

Let's walk you through our 4 phases.


Base Phase

The base is an intro phase that should last 1 week. It will prepare your body for the 2 cutting phases that are coming up. If you lose weight in the base phase, you can stay on it for as long as you lose weight. 

Weight loss 1 

Once you start this phase, you should lose weight at a pace of 400-600 grams weekly. You should be in a minor caloric deficit. If you're losing weight, stay on this phase for a minimum of 4-5 weeks. If you do not experience weight loss after 2 weeks of this phase, ensure that you stick to it precisely, or you can proceed to Weight loss phase 2. 

Weight loss 2 

Weight loss phase 2 starts once you stop losing weight on phase 1 or if your weight loss has slowed down and you have been on it for 4-5 weeks. Phase 2 is a more severe cut, but we have ensured that your calories are sufficient for your body to function correctly and get enough variety and nutrients. We have also managed to keep your snack every day of the week, hopefully satisfying your cravings, as they are prone to increase slightly during this phase. 


Once you feel like you need a break from dieting or have completed a 12-week dieting phase, you can proceed to the maintenance phase. Calories are higher here, and you have a decent snack of choice 7x times a week. If you plan to do a new diet cycle or continue with the old one, ensure that you stay on the maintenance phase for at least 2-4 weeks. If you are happy with your results, you can indefinitely stay between the maintenance and base phases and maintain your results. 

What is required of you to do to get results?

Requirements for losing weight without meal prep with dieting templates

The only things required from you to commit to getting results:

  1. Carefully read the brief instructions manual and follow the 4 phases

  2. Consume 3 meals and a snack daily

  3. Measure your portions

  4. Enjoy the weight loss success

The process is straightforward: you do not have to count calories, prep your healthy meal plan a week in advance, or perform any other time-consuming and complex thing.

The only thing required from you is to stick to the wide variety of food options we gave you and to measure your meals with a scale, cup, or tablespoon. Even if you do not want to measure, you can use our visual representation, which is excellent but not as precise as the measurement tools.

Meal timings are also not strict, but you have guidelines that we recommend you stick to for optimizing results. Our dieting templates also include a daily snack of your choice!

Meet the team that curated this effective meal plan for weight loss!

Olga Sidorova - Nutritional Advisor, FPA Certified, Clean Health Fitness Institute Student

Nutrition Advisor at Fortius Dubai

Olga is our Nutritional Advisor in charge of the Nutrition Coaching section in our company.

Before she ventured into the health and fitness field, she was a typical office worker who went through the same struggles that most of you reading this blog are experiencing!

"I had a terrible lifestyle. I was mostly sedentary due to the nature of my job, and my diet was all over the place. I had the willpower to make a change. Still, the amount of information found online made me even more confused, which is one of the main reasons I decided to work on developing the Fortius Dieting Templates. The goal was to simplify the weight loss process and instill healthy habits into individuals going through the same struggles I did for many years." - Olga Sidorova, Nutritional Advisor.

Milos Tanasic - Head Personal Trainer & Body Transformation Expert

Personal Trainer and Body Transformation Expert in Dubai

Milos is one of the founders of our fitness brand! With extensive education, a bachelor's degree in Sports Science, and over 10 years of experience helping people achieve their fitness goals, he has all the skills to curate a science-based plan.

"My education and experience make it easy for me to curate training programs and nutrition plans. As a father and entrepreneur, I know how difficult and time-consuming meal planning is. Hence, the dieting template is perfect for people with long working hours, a lack of cooking skills, and many family obligations!" - Milos Tanasic, Head Coach. 

Testimonials from happy customers that achieved their weight loss goals!

"I struggled with my weight for years and tried every fad diet imaginable with no success. Once I started following the Fortius Dieting Templates, I finally began to see results! Not only did I lose weight, but I did it without feeling starved and undernourished" - Jenna.

"The best thing about the dieting templates is the variety of foods I can choose from. The online assessment with the nutritional advisor was also constructive in ensuring I was doing everything right." - Sarah.

"I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to lose weight healthily and sustainably!" - Abdul.

"I always hated meal planning and meal prep, so I found it hard to stick to the diet plans. With the Fortius Dieting Templates, I could open my fridge, stick to the portion sizes recommended, literally make a sandwich or have any other of the vast number of choices they gave and still see amazing results" - Maria.

Nutrition Coaching and Personal Training Results

The Fortius Dieting Templates have helped people from all walks of life lose weight and keep it off for good!

If you want to try out the dieting templates, click here to schedule a free online assessment with one of our nutritional advisors.

Are you perhaps looking for one on one nutrition coaching?

Premium coaching by wellness professionals in Dubai and Worldwide

If you are someone who believes they need a more personalized approach to help them with their nutrition goals. Or perhaps if you are someone who wants a plan that will help you put on lean mass, improve performance or become more mindful when eating. In that case, our one-on-one nutrition coaching services might be the best solution for you! One-on-one nutrition coaching includes a carefully curated personalized meal plan, bi-weekly follow-ups, and weekly Zoom sessions. Click here to find out more!


How much weight can I expect to lose in 12 weeks?

The pace at which this scale weight goes down will differ between individuals. It will vary depending on a couple of factors:

  • activity levels

  • how strictly do you follow the weight loss meal plan

  • the amount of calorie deficit you are in

  • your resting metabolic rate

  • age and other

The average number of kilograms lost is around 6kg/13lbs; even more impressive, participants regain only up to 2 kilograms after stopping using the dieting templates. 12 kg is the most number of kilograms lost in the 12-week process.

Do I need to train while using the Dieting Template? 

You don't have to! The templates are created so you can lose weight even without exercising. However, for your health and well-being and to speed up the weight loss process, we strongly recommend you look into one of our Online Training Programs or Personalized Online Training & Nutrition. 

How long can I use the Dieting Templates before purchasing a new one? 

You can use it for as long as you don't lose 10kg from your starting weight. Once you have lost 10 kilograms from your starting weight, we suggest you purchase a fresh template and enter your new stats to get an optimized dieting template to lead you to your fitness goals faster! 

Do I have to count calories to use your weight loss meal plans?

Counting calories is not needed with our dieting templates. We created something simple that does not require tracking your food intake as long as you stick to the portion sizes recommended in the plan.

Are your healthy meals high or low carb?

The fantastic thing about our templates is that you can create both low and high-carb meals depending on your preference, current health status, and any other goals you might want to achieve in addition to losing weight. Within the template, you have various foods ranging from fresh fruit, greek yogurt, starchy vegetables, olive oil, fish, and many others. And what is even more fascinating is that you can have your favorite processed foods daily as long as you do not exceed the allocated calories.

You can simplify your life and watch your scale weight drop starting today!

The Fortius Dieting Templates have helped people from all walks of life lose weight and keep it off for good! With this simple and easy-to-use 12-week program, you can finally achieve your weight loss goals without feeling starved or deprived. If you want to try out the dieting templates, click here to schedule a free online assessment with one of our nutritional advisors.

Stay Strong #BeFortius

Additional related resources:

Also check out some amazing recipes from our Team here:

Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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