Can You Transform Your Body in 4 Weeks? Science Behind It And Client's success stories!

Personal Trainer and Fitness Specialist Milos Tanasic

It's a question that's been asked repeatedly - can you transform your body in just 4 weeks? The answer, as always, is it depends. Some people might be able to see incredible results in such a short period of time, while others might need a little bit more time to make fundamental changes. What I can say for sure is that with the right approach, a 4-week body transformation is possible. In this blog post, I will answer some fundamental questions related to building muscle and burning fat, look at what's involved in such a transformation and explain why working with a professional coach can help you quickly and safely achieve great results.

What is required for you to lose weight?

Scientifically as you already might know, you need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight. This means that you burn more calories throughout the day than you consume through food, and that process needs to last over a longer period of time.

Let's look at some numbers. If your goal is to lose 1kg of scale weight per week, you need to be in a deficit of over 1000 calories daily or over 7000 calories per week. This is attainable with very high energy expenditure (high activity level, lots of training, and a high step count of at least 10-15 thousand steps daily) and a relatively low-calorie intake.

So to conclude, yes, in 4 weeks, you can lose 4-6kg, but it ain't going to be easy, and it will require a lot of effort on your behalf and a very vigorous approach to training and diet.

How much muscle mass can I put on in 4 weeks?

When people come to Fortius Dubai inquiring about a body transformation, in most cases, they have a body composition that is high in fat and low in muscle tissue. Then based on their objective and the timeline, we create a workout routine and a solid diet most suitable for their specific goal.

In most cases, our clients need to drop weight and burn fat, usually a significant amount of fat. That requires us to put them on a low-calorie diet making sure they are in a calorie deficit which will allow them to lose weight and fat and enough of it in a short period of time which can be 4,8,12 weeks. That is required for a body transformation but is also not an ideal environment for putting on more muscle mass. In this situation, we are lucky to preserve lean muscle tissue and, in some rare cases, potentially add muscle if the clients are beginners or they had a long break from training. What also helps is if the client is in his early 20s and 30s. People 40+, even on maintenance calories, have difficulty building muscles.

So to conclude, when cutting calories and focusing on weight loss and fat loss, your objective should be to try to preserve as much muscle tissue as possible, achieved with high protein intake and regular weight training that includes progressive overload.

Can I achieve a body transformation with a workout routine that does not include weights?

If your sole objective is to lose scale weight, then lifting weights might not be essential for that specific goal; however, if you want to ensure that in the long run, your body shape changes for the better and that you become a better engine which can more efficiently burn calories you should include resistance exercises into your program.

Research shows multiple benefits of incorporating weight training into your fitness journey:

  • Increased Insulin Sensitivity

Weight training has been proven to enhance insulin sensitivity, which is the body’s capacity to respond correctly to the insulin produced by the pancreas. While high levels of circulating insulin are not good, having a healthy level of this hormone is essential for controlling blood sugar and regulating energy metabolism.

  • Increased EPOC

Intense resistance exercise will increase the number of calories burned post-resistance exercise. This phenomenon, known as ‘afterburn,’ or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), is a measure of how much energy your body uses after a workout to return your body back to a resting state.

  • Preserving Muscle Tissue

Resistance training will help preserve your muscles and help you maintain your metabolic rate for longer during the dieting phase. Fewer muscles equal fewer calories burned throughout the day.

  • Better Sleep

Scientifically it has been proven that resistance training helps to regulate sleeping patterns. Weightlifting before sleeping helps you relax, and the physical effort associated with the exercises can also reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Four weeks client's progress with Fortius Dubai Body Transformation Coaches

Below I will demonstrate some 4 weeks clients transformations and explain how they achieved such a progress in a very short time frame.

Basil's 4 week body transformation!

Our client Basil achieved incredible success in just 16 gym workouts. His entire physique changed and he did not even follow a vigorous diet during that period of his fitness journey. He had a 4 week plan that included four weekly workouts mostly based around lifting weights with about 2 hiit workouts per week incorporated as a part of his weightlifting sessions. To find out more about his body transformation journey read the full blog!

4 Weeks Transformation with Fortius Dubai

To conclude Basil was someone who exercised regularly and was in top shape for a couple of years. He then had to take a break from training for about 6 months, had a very low activity level and absolutely no training, mostly spending time in bed, so when he joined our gym he bounced back in a very short period of time. He had lots of muscle memory and his body reacted better than expected.

Tom's 4 weeks Body Transformation with Fortius Personal Trainers

Tom was another client who had lots of training experienced and kept his physique at quite a high level. He had great genetics and exceptional ability to build muscle while burning more fat than even planned after our initial consultation. He managed to bet all our objectives and achieved a incredible transformation after completing the four week plan with us.

Client Results - Dubai Personal Training

To find out more about Tom's journey, what he did in his workouts and how his diet plan looked like click here!

Mark's and James's 4 week progress with Fortius Personal Training

Here are two more clients that achieved significant results with Fortius personal training in just 4 weeks. Their journeys are not completed yet so we are looking forward to see even more results in the weeks and month to come.

Personal Training Dubai - Healthy Lifestyle

Can YOU achieve the same results in 4 weeks?

If you are ready to put in the work and participate in resistance exercise at least 3 to 4 times per week, while at the same time upping your step count to 10k or more steps per day while following a strict diet plan I would say YES your chances off seeing great result in just 4 weeks are high.

However you need to understand that the clients above already had been training for a prolonged period of time before having to take a break from training so they had both the muscle memory, the training experience and resilience to endure both the physical and mental struggles of such a tough fitness program.

Achieving great results in one month is a fantastic achievement but is often not sustainable and can be to much of a challenge for most individuals. Thats why we recommend a period of 8-16 weeks for most people that come to us with the target of achieving a great body transformation.

If you struggle to build muscle, burn fat, or improve your fitness, or perhaps you do not know what your protein and calorie targets should be for achieving your specific exercise and physique goals, do not hesitate to reach out and book your FREE consultation today!

Click here to learn more about our other client's success stories!

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Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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