How To Lose Belly Fat, Face Fat, and Body Fat The Right Way - Comments and Tips by Nutrition Coach Olga S.

Weight Loss Education in Dubai - Nutrition Coach Olga Sidorova

Almost all our clients have a similar request - to lose fat in certain parts of their bodies. The most frequent questions are how to lose belly fat, how to lose fat in the thighs and buttocks, and how to lose fat in the face. For men, the main questions are how to lose fat in the chest area, get rid of the belly, or get six packs in one month. Ideally, most of us want fast results. That’s why people ask how to lose fat in a month or even in a week, what burns fat fast, and in general, most of us search for express methods to lose weight. 

Rarely do people ask how to lose fat but not muscle which makes more sense. 

To all our clients, we tell the truth – "there’s no way to lose fat locally, and it won’t be as fast as you might expect." 

How is fat stored in the body, and can you burn fat locally?

Our fat is stored in fat depots distributed all over the body. Some of us store abdominal fat, and some have more fat tissue on the thighs, arms, face, back, etc. There’s no way to eliminate fat tissue around a specific part or distribute it more attractively and evenly. It’s due to our genetics; unfortunately, we can’t affect it by adjusting to a specific diet or exercising a particular part of our body more frequently.

Moreover, the pictures promoting a healthy lifestyle and fitness, which we see in the media, typically show us fit people that exercise for a long time, watch their food, and have relatively low body fat percentages. It looks attractive; that’s why we get motivated to lose weight. But none of them lost, let’s say, belly fat within one month. 

Prioritize improvements in body composition instead of focusing purely on scale weight!

One important factor is body composition. The less body fat we have, the leaner we look. A good amount of muscle mass gives that toned look, and keeping the body fat in a healthy range demonstrates how to be in good shape. 

We don’t burn fat locally, and there are no exercises to lose belly fat, no matter how many ABS crunches you do. There are no exercises to slim legs, no exercises to reduce the waist, and neither exercises to lose face fat. Sounds disappointing and frustrating, no? 

Of course not. There’s just one way to lose body weight or, to be more precise, to lose body fat. It’s a caloric deficit for a prolonged period. 

Weight Loss & Weight Gain Explained

But being on a caloric deficit, you might not like the result if there’s no resistance training regularly. Growing muscles and losing body fat are the keys to noticeable visual changes, but more importantly, it’s the only way to stay healthy. 

Abdominal fat is one of the most critical markers in health, which means that exceeding visceral fat surrounds the inner organs and puts you at a high risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and liver problems. 

To get a general idea of your condition, measure your waist circumference, use a measurement tape, and wrap it around your body. Breathe out, then check the measurement.

According to the National Institutes of Health, measurements of more than 35 inches for a woman or more than 40 inches for a man show an increased risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Find out more here!

For an optimal balance of body fat and muscle tissue, it’s necessary to eat moderate nutrients (not more and not less), implement weight training into your life, and have enough non-training activity. 

Nowadays, it might be pretty challenging to keep the balance regarding food. We are quite spoiled with various cuisines; everything looks tempting and delicious. The portions are way more significant than they are supposed to be. We travel and want to experience a different taste, and our taste buds and brain work in a way that we like fatty and sweet foods more than plain ones. None of us craves fresh cucumber or steamed broccoli, right? 

Excess food and limited activity are how we gain exceeding body fat around the waist, hips, or other genetically predisposed fat depots. And it’s impossible to get leaner in a specific part of your body; moreover, we lose fat in the thinnest parts first, then it starts reducing all over the body. For example, if your arms are already quite slim, they’ll get even slimmer, while your primary target will be to have a slimmer waist. It doesn’t mean that you must give up; just be prepared that it might happen that the area of your body which bothers you the most will be the last one to lose exceeding body fat. Consistency and patience will help you to achieve results. 

Are there any shortcuts to getting your dream body?

In today's world, many people opt for invasive treatments to reduce their belly fat and fat around other parts of their body; however, if the person does not change their lifestyle, results are usually not ideal, and it won't be long before they start to regain the lost fat mass.

This means there is no shortcut to the body of your dreams. It’s a process like a long walk rather than a sprint. The best results are achievable with resistance training geared towards muscle growth. Well-developed muscle tissue will help you to burn more calories from your daily intake even when your body is resting, and your body will also be shaped better with regular exercise. 

Our BMR, basal metabolic rate, differs from person to person; that’s why an individual approach to weight loss makes sense. There are so many factors to be considered in every individual human. 

For the same reason, a standard meal plan that worked on your friend might not have the same effect on you. Let’s say your friend has a higher BMR, less body fat, and a different body shape, is more active during the day, constantly fidgeting, goes to the shop walking instead of ordering delivery, and plays football on the weekend. He loses weight fast with a slight caloric deficit and a simple meal plan. If you like the results, you might go to the same meal plan with the same calories, but the results will be different if your initial parameters and lifestyle are not the same as your friend has. 

It doesn’t mean that meal plans don’t work, and at the initial stage, they are pretty helpful since it’s a switch to a healthier lifestyle and mindful eating. 

There are several options for balanced food consumption; choose one which, in your opinion, is easy to maintain consistently. 

It can be a meal plan, portion control, calorie counting, or a coach who will make the program customized according to your goals. Give yourself enough time to achieve results, stick to the guidelines and be patient. 

To find out more about our nutrition blogs and services, check out the links below:

  • Nutrition Coaching Services - Click here.

  • Low Glycemic Food The Healthier Option - Blog

  • Portion Control - Blog

  • Why Scale Weight Should Not Be The Only Indicator Of Success - Blog

  • Dieting Templates - Blog

  • Low Gi Total Healing Program - Client Testimonial - Click here!

How to lose weight and achieve results the right way!

  • Define your goal and make sure it’s realistic.

  • Find your caloric deficit and stick to it for 12-16 weeks.

  • Make sure that your food is not very bland and tasteless. Try to have some variety. It will help you to be consistent. 

  • Measure yourself regularly, track the records and take pictures to see the progress. 

  • Do not consider short-term diets. They have very dubious benefits and most often even harm our health.

  • Do not waste money on fat burners, anti-cellulite creams, body lotions, slimming teas, and magic pills. They do not help you reduce body fat; only caloric deficit does the job, and the closer it is to the optimal range, the leaner our body looks.

  • Move more, slightly increase your activity level and make it a habit. 

  • Take it as a journey, learn how to love the process, and remember that shifting to a new lifestyle might be one of the most valuable things you do for your health and overall well-being. The earlier we start, the fewer problems we face in the future, and it’s always easier to fix a minor thing rather than waiting until it gets acute. 

  • Stay optimistic. It’s easier to move forward without doubts and negative thoughts. 

Looking for support when it comes to weight loss or weight gain?

If your goal is weight loss, if you want to reduce belly fat, lose facial fat, or even if you have a completely different goal like weight gain, Team Fortius Male and Female Personal Trainers and Nutrition Coaches can help you achieve your goals!

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Common Questions and Answers

Does excessive alcohol intake make me gain excess fat, and does it directly go into my belly fat?

Weight gain is caused by excess calories. If you are in a caloric deficit, which means that you consume fewer calories than you burn, you should be able to consume alcohol, maintain your weight, and even lose weight. However, excess alcohol negatively affects general health and performance and your ability to build muscle. In the long run, it would have a detrimental effect on your health and wellness.

Is aerobic exercise better than lifting weights for weight loss?

Both cardio exercise and weight training are effective tools that can help you get better fat loss results. Research suggests that cardio burns more calories during the workout. However, the long-term effect of weight training to build muscle mass is equally important, if not more, to create a powerful machine that will burn more calories throughout the day and help you lose weight faster or prevent weight gain.

Do I have to remove processed foods from my diet to eliminate excess body fat?

As mentioned in the first question in the Q&A, the main thing to achieve weight loss and drop belly fat is to be in a caloric deficit; however, if your goal is to optimize your physical and mental health, a healthy diet is a better solution. High-quality proteins, combined with good dietary fat and complex carbs, will give your body what it needs to thrive.

Interested in learning more about our personal training services and FREE fitness app?

You have learned that you can not specifically target your facial fat with a specific target or exercise program. You also learned that genetics define whether we will store more facial fat, arm fat, or stick around our hips and inner thighs. You also learned that losing weight is achieved through a caloric deficit and that resistance training is required to shape your body.

However, if you are not certain how you should eat, what quantities and sources, and if you do not know how to train safely and effectively, you might need some guidance for a short period of time. To discuss your objectives and concerns and answer any questions you might have, you can book your FREE consultation with us today!

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If you want to get started with a FREE app, check out the Fortius Fit workout app we have created to help our community get on the right track and achieve results from the comfort of your home! Click here to find out more about the app!

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Olga Sidorova

Olga is a Nutritional Advisor and she manages the nutrition coaching section for Fortius Dubai. 

She holds a certificate from FPA, a reputable professional fitness association, and is currently completing another nutrition course at Clean Health Fitness Institute.

Before she ventured into the world of health and fitness, Olga was your typical office worker with a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. She reached a point where she was utterly dissatisfied with how she felt and looked. 

That's when she decided to study nutrition and find the optimal way to maintain a healthy lifestyle easily incorporated into her office routine. 

Today Olga is sharing her knowledge, trying to help you incorporate healthy habits into your life in the most sustainable way. 


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