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Your Ultimate Fitness & Wellness Resource

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Our expert trainers share tips on weight loss, muscle building, nutrition, and more. Explore our blog and achieve your best self!

New Breakthrough Weight Loss Medication: Ozempic and Mounjaro

New Breakthrough Weight Loss Medication: Ozempic and Mounjaro

Weight loss can be a complicated and often intimidating goal to achieve, especially when living with diabetes. Fortunately, there are breakthrough drugs on the market for people who have diabetes that has been found to also help with weight loss. Ozempic and Mounjaro are two such drugs that the FDA has approved for managing type 2 diabetes, and studies suggest that in addition to blood sugar control, these drugs can also be beneficial in weight loss.

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Dad Bod, Do You Have It & Does It Have To Be The Reality For The Modern Man?
General Fitness & Wellness Milos Tanasic General Fitness & Wellness Milos Tanasic

Dad Bod, Do You Have It & Does It Have To Be The Reality For The Modern Man?

Are you a family man with a Dad Bod? If so, you are not alone. In the modern world, it is becoming increasingly common for men to feel like they have given up once they become fathers and husbands due to work pressures and social norms. Many men today struggle to reclaim their manhood and achieve the fitness and manliness they had before starting a family.

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Tips For Parents That Will Encourage Physical Activity And Good Nutrition Habits In Young Kids!
General Fitness & Wellness Olga Sidorova General Fitness & Wellness Olga Sidorova

Tips For Parents That Will Encourage Physical Activity And Good Nutrition Habits In Young Kids!

As parents, we value our kids' happiness and health the most and would like them to have a great quality of life. Parents aim to provide their kids with a better education than they had and better living conditions; however, they tend to forget about the importance of physical activity and healthy eating.

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A Guide For Men on How to Build Muscle, Improve Their Physique and Insights Into the Body Transformation Program with Fortius, Personal Trainers
General Fitness & Wellness Milos Tanasic General Fitness & Wellness Milos Tanasic

A Guide For Men on How to Build Muscle, Improve Their Physique and Insights Into the Body Transformation Program with Fortius, Personal Trainers

Men that reach out to us usually want the same thing! The goal is to build muscle while dropping fat! Some of our clients are experienced gym goers, and some are just beginners, but they all have the same goal: to lose fat and look great in a bathing suit!

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Low Glycemic Index Foods and Gestational Diabetes Diet + Testimonial By Female Trainer and Life Coach Andjela Tanasic

Low Glycemic Index Foods and Gestational Diabetes Diet + Testimonial By Female Trainer and Life Coach Andjela Tanasic

Our fitness and life coach, Andjela Tanasic, shares a story of her overcoming a misconception of developing gestational diabetes during pregnancy by not taking diabetes medication but focusing only on a healthy diet and exercise. In this blog, you can find out how she could track her blood sugar and what healthy foods she consumed that didn't disturb the insulin hormone.

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The Role of Emotions in Our Lives: Recognizing and Handling Fear
General Fitness & Wellness Andjela Tanasic General Fitness & Wellness Andjela Tanasic

The Role of Emotions in Our Lives: Recognizing and Handling Fear

We all know fear. It's that feeling in the pit of our stomach when something scares us, or we feel uncertain about the future. Fear can be a potent emotion, and it can have a significant impact on our lives. This blog post will discuss fear and its role in our lives. We will also talk about the emotional scale and how to recognize fear and handle it effectively without affecting our emotional well being.

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Women's Guide to Postnatal Fitness: Tips for Getting Back in Shape
General Fitness & Wellness Andjela Tanasic General Fitness & Wellness Andjela Tanasic

Women's Guide to Postnatal Fitness: Tips for Getting Back in Shape

It's no secret that women undergo many changes throughout their pregnancies. Many think upfront about the best way to get back in shape post childbirth and strive to regain their pre-pregnancy physiques as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this is not always easy - especially during the postnatal period. But it is possible! In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for getting back in shape postnatally, and you will get to see some of the success stories of our clients who have made incredible transformations. We hope that these stories will inspire you to achieve your own fitness goals!

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Find Out How to Portion Control & What Is the Adequate Portion Size for You?

Find Out How to Portion Control & What Is the Adequate Portion Size for You?

Tips on Portion Control, a Balanced Diet, and a Fortius Food Diary

Achieve a healthy weight and feel great by using portion control. It's all about eating the right amount of food for your body. This can be tricky, especially if you're not sure what an adequate portion size is. We provide a FREE Fortius Food Diary to help create a healthy eating plan that works for you! We've put together these tips on portion control and a balanced diet.

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How to Get That Greek God Physique: Body Proportions, Genetics, Workout Program, and Nutrition Tips

How to Get That Greek God Physique: Body Proportions, Genetics, Workout Program, and Nutrition Tips

There is no question that the Greek God's physique is one of the most sought-after body types in the world. Celebrities and regular people alike all want to achieve this look. It's not hard to see why - with its chiseled features and athletic build, it's easy to see why many people consider it the epitome of male beauty.

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Why Scale Weight Should Not Be the Only Indicator of Success During Your Weight Loss Journey!

Why Scale Weight Should Not Be the Only Indicator of Success During Your Weight Loss Journey!

When you're trying to lose weight, it's natural to want to see results as quickly as possible. You hop on the scale and are disappointed when you don't see the number go down. So you try harder the next day, but no progress is made. This can be incredibly discouraging, and many people give up altogether because they feel like doing something wrong. But did you know that scale weight is not always an accurate indicator of success during your weight loss journey? Body composition is a much better tool to assess progress!

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TRT Therapy: Is Testosterone the God Particle?
General Fitness & Wellness Milos Tanasic General Fitness & Wellness Milos Tanasic

TRT Therapy: Is Testosterone the God Particle?

TRT therapy, or testosterone replacement therapy, is becoming increasingly popular for treating low testosterone levels in men. While testosterone therapy has been around for years, there is still a lot of confusion about what it is and its benefits. This blog post will discuss everything you need to know about testosterone therapy, including testosterone, the recommended ranges, how TRT works, potential side effects, and more!

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Does Chronic Stress Negatively Affect Your Weight Loss and Muscle Building Efforts? The Role of Cortisol!
General Fitness & Wellness Milos Tanasic General Fitness & Wellness Milos Tanasic

Does Chronic Stress Negatively Affect Your Weight Loss and Muscle Building Efforts? The Role of Cortisol!

As someone with over ten years of experience helping people achieve their body transformation, I have worked with many clients. Although I applied my scientific methods to every one of them, I have had more success with some than others. Most people that followed my guidelines achieved impressive results in 3-6 months.

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Female Personal Training: Common Misconceptions in Female Fitness and How to Choose The Best Personal Trainers in Dubai

Female Personal Training: Common Misconceptions in Female Fitness and How to Choose The Best Personal Trainers in Dubai

When it comes to female personal training, there are a lot of misconceptions. This blog post will break down some of the most common ones. I will list some key benefits that you can get from being physically active. I will also try to provide you with some helpful information to help you choose the best female personal trainer for yourself.

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Decoding Muscle Soreness: Your Guide to Recovery and Growth

Decoding Muscle Soreness: Your Guide to Recovery and Growth

Muscle soreness is a common occurrence after an intense workout. Many people love it as it gives them the feeling that they have had a productive session which will help them make serious gains in the gym. And this is true; however, there is a fine line between having sore muscles that will guarantee progress and having too much muscle soreness, which can hinder your progress.

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