Female Personal Training: Common Misconceptions in Female Fitness and How to Choose The Best Personal Trainers in Dubai

Female Personal Training: Common Misconceptions in Female Fitness and How to Choose The Best Personal Trainers in Dubai

When it comes to female personal training, there are a lot of misconceptions. This blog post will break down some of the most common ones. I will list some key benefits that you can get from being physically active. I will also try to provide you with some helpful information to help you choose the best female personal trainer for yourself. I will give you some insight into how personal trainers at Fortius Dubai work with their clients.

Certified Personal Trainer in Dubai

What are some common misconceptions surrounding female fitness?

Weights make me bulk up!

This statement is false because if you look at human physiology, females can only put on a small amount of muscle mass even if their training and nutrition are optimized towards that specific goal. So when you start feeling like you are getting bulky, that happens due to a couple of things:

  • you increased your food intake

  • your cells are swelling from the training (this is a natural process and happens to everyone), but they will go back to normal in a couple of days

  • you might be retaining water due to high sodium intake, dehydration, or other hormonal issues

All of these are perfectly normal! Suppose you feel like you are getting too bulky. In that case, you can always talk to your trainer about it, and they will have the knowledge to explain to you why that might be happening, but it's not because you started lifting some weights a couple of times per week!

The shorter the break between sets, the better results I will have!

Female training having a hard time breathing and sweating alot

Shortening your breaks between sets will bring you better results is a common misconception amongst women as they feel that they have done a better workout if they sweat more, raise their heart rate, and exhaust themselves more during the session. However, this is incorrect and can negatively affect your progress in the long run. When training for hypertrophy and optimizing your physique, breaks should be between 1-2 minutes in most cases and perhaps 2-3 minutes for your main lifts like heavy deadlifts or squats.

I don't want to focus on getting stronger but rather on the burn so let's do 20-30 reps with lightweight!

Ultimately whether you do fewer reps with heavyweight or more reps with lighter weight, when you bring yourself towards 1-3 reps short of failure, you will have a similar hypertrophy stimulus in your muscles. That means that you can do like 6-8 reps with 80-85% from the max weight you can lift, and you can do 20-30 reps with 45-50% from the max weight you can lift. However, if you look at the central nervous system fatigue and the wear and tear for your joints, I always recommend sticking for the most part in the 8-15 rep range and slowly progressing weight that you can carry within those rep ranges. This way, it's also easier for you to track your progress without getting confused with reps and numbers.

I don't feel this exercise burning my muscles; let's not do it!

Although it is excellent if you can engage and feel the burn in the working muscle, it does not mean that more burn means more results! If you do 30 reps of the bodyweight glute bridge, it will burn a lot; however, it will do much less to shape and grow your glutes and hamstrings than a heavy set of stiff leg deadlifts for 8-10 reps.

If I overeat protein, I will start bulking up!

This statement is also widespread amongst women, but it is not valid! The protein intake is crucial to help you preserve and build new muscle tissue, and in the long run, it will help you create a better calorie-burning machine (muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue)! You will start bulking if you are in a caloric surplus; however, if you are at maintenance calories or in a calorie deficit, there is absolutely no way that you will bulk up. My recommendation is to aim for 1.6-2 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight. The higher the deficit in your diet, the closer you should be to 2 grams per kilogram of your body weight, and the opposite, the higher the surplus, the closer to 1.6 grams you can be. 

I will remove salt from my diet!

When you start exercising, you sweat a lot, and removing natural salt is the worst possible thing you can do for your body! When you sweat, you lose water and electrolytes, and if you don't replenish those levels, it can affect your performance and recovery. Fluctuations in salt intake can also lead to water retention and the feeling that you have gained weight when it is just water!

Creatine is only for men!

Most women shy away from creatine, losing many of the benefits creatine supplementations can bring. Creatine can help with energy levels, recovery, and muscle growth. The recommended dosage for women is around 3-4 grams per day.

I can't lose weight unless I do cardio!

Image of women doing endless cardio

When you are in a caloric deficit, you will lose weight even if you don't exercise. Cardio is just a tool that will help you burn more calories throughout the day, and it will provide you with many other benefits if done correctly. Some of the benefits of cardio are:

  • improved cardiovascular health

  • improved digestion

  • lower blood pressure

Now that we have gone through some of the most common myths regarding female personal training let's move on to how to choose a good trainer for you?

How to choose the best female personal trainer for you?

A good trainer will always take the time to assess your current situation, level of fitness, and health history before training you. They will also design a workout routine specifically to help you reach your goals and will also be there to support and motivate you throughout your journey!

What are some personal and professional qualities an excellent personal trainer should have:

  • Patience

  • Good communication skills

  • Empathy

  • Listens to your needs and concerns

  • Has a positive attitude

Asking the right questions when looking for a personal trainer is also very important!

List of questions you should ask a trainer when conducting an interview!

  • Do you have experience working with clients who have similar goals as me?

  • What is your training philosophy?

  • How do you design workout routines?

  • What is your approach to nutrition and dieting?

  • Do you offer any discounts or packages?

  • What is your cancellation policy?

  • What can I expect in the next 3-6 months working with you?

Now that we have listed some of the qualities an excellent female personal trainer should have and what questions you should ask the trainer you want to hire, let's dive into the client's training process with Fortius trainers!

Step by step guide with Fortius female personal trainers!

Leading Personal Training Company in Dubai Fitness Industry

Step 1

Potential client reaches out via referral, social media, or website, after which we move forward to book a free consultation. During the consultation, we discuss important things such as:

  • training history

  • experience with past personal trainers

  • their expectations/fitness goals

  • medical history

  • dietary habits

  • schedule

  • pricing

Important note for other personal trainers: make sure that you explain to your client your cancelation policy and payment plan before the start o your first session to avoid any misunderstandings and negative feedback in the future.

Step 2

Once we have agreed to work together, we do a detailed assessment of our clients so that we can make a carefully curated workout program to meet their needs. Some clients might have weight loss goals, while others want to improve performance. When it comes to clients in Dubai, most are looking for a body transformation!

We also complete a detailed questionnaire about our client's eating habits, allergies, and food preferences so that we can support them with a personalized meal plan that will help them reach their fitness goals.

On assessment day, we also take pictures and perform anthropometric measurements to track their progress during their fitness journey with us.

Step 3

We ensure that we keep high energy during our workouts and that we regularly follow up with our clients to ensure that they stay on track. Sometimes, people have a hard time committing to coming to the gym and following their nutrition plan, so our job as fitness experts is to support our clients in any way possible to stay on track!

Step 4

We perform assessments every 2-to four weeks to adjust our training plans and nutrition.

Step 5

As certified personal trainers, we can ensure that we will optimize your training for your specific goal and provide nutrition coaching that will deliver results if our client follows it. However, not everyone can stick to the plan, so not everyone ends the process with a body transformation!

If you want more of our client's success stories, click here!

Common questions and answers

After how many weeks can I achieve a body transformation?

The time needed for a great body transformation will vary from person to person, depending on how strict you are and your current health and fitness level. If you stick to the plan, you should expect to see significant progress in under 12-16 weeks!

Do I need to train every day to achieve good health and fitness goals?

If you can commit to 3 workouts a week and stick to your diet 70% of the time, you will improve your health and achieve some fat loss results in weeks! Optimizing your physique and health might take more time and vary from person to person!

Are your personal trainers certified?

All our trainers are certified, and most have a bachelor's degree in Sports Science!

In which gyms do you offer personal training sessions?

We can offer personal training sessions in the following gyms in Dubai:

  • Lucky's Sports Club, Al Quoz

  • Train Strenght and Fitness, Al Quoz

  • Strong Gym, Al Quoz

  • Seven Gym, Al Quoz

  • TopGym, Palm Jumeirah

Train Strength and Fitness Dubai, Local Gym
Lucky's Sports Club Boutique Gym for Sports Training and Weight Management

Check our blog about the top 10 gyms in Dubai!

I have a gym in my private building can your trainers train me there?

Yes, we have all the documents necessary to provide personal training services in private gyms across Dubai.

Do you offer home personal training?

Yes, we offer personal home training. Our trainer in Dubai covers the following areas:

Do you offer prenatal personal training?

Yes, we offer prenatal and post-natal training. We would only provide you with a fitness trainer that is certified and experienced in working with pregnant women.

What is your rate per session?

Our rates will vary depending on the package and whether you are looking for home or gym personal training. To find out more about our pt packages, click here.


Not all trainers are created equal, and not all will be able to help you achieve your fitness goals. When it comes to finding a female personal trainer, women need to do their research. Ensure that the trainer you choose has experience working with women and asks them about their assessment process and training methods. Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions and feel for their personality to see if they will be a good fit for you. Finally, make sure that the trainer you choose is certified and has the proper credentials. Once you find a trainer that meets all of these criteria, you are on your way to achieving your fitness goals!

If you are looking for certified personal trainers in Dubai, book your FREE consultation today! We would be happy to help you find the perfect trainer for your needs.

Stay Strong #BeFortius

Additional related resources:

Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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