Women's Guide to Postnatal Fitness: Tips for Getting Back in Shape

How to reduce belly fat after pregnancy

It's no secret that women undergo many changes throughout their pregnancies. Many think upfront about the best way to get back in shape post childbirth and strive to regain their pre-pregnancy physiques as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this is not always easy - especially during the postnatal period. But it is possible! In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for getting back in shape postnatally, and you will get to see some of the success stories of our clients who have made incredible transformations. We hope that these stories will inspire you to achieve your own fitness goals!

Is it possible to lose weight after delivery?

The postnatal period can be difficult for many women as they adjust to their new mothers' roles. One of the main concerns during this time is often how to lose weight after delivery. Although it may seem like an uphill battle, it is possible to lose weight postnatally with the right approach.

Some breastfeeding women may find it easier to lose weight as their body burns additional calories to produce milk.

Regardless, postnatal weight loss will not happen overnight - it is a slow and gradual process. However, with consistency and dedication, there will be results!

Is it possible to lose belly fat?

One of the most common concerns post childbirth is how to lose belly fat. It is entirely normal - after all, your body has been through a lot! The good news is that it is possible to lose belly fat postnatally, regardless of how you delivered your baby (vaginally or via C-section). Of course, this will require some effort on your part, but we promise it will be worth it!

How to get back in shape and regain a self-discipline

Fortius tips that will help with body recovery

Here are some Fortius tips that will help you get back in shape postnatally:

  1. Start slow: Don't try to do too much too soon. That's the right attitude! Ease your workout routine and gradually increase your intensity as you feel comfortable.

  2. Focus on postural alignment: This is especially important if you deliver your baby via C-section. Be sure to focus on strengthening your deep abdominal muscles to help support your spine and avoid pain in the future.

  3. Get a postpartum girdle: A postpartum girdle can help support your back and abdominal muscles post childbirth. It is beneficial if you suffer from diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation).

  4. Get enough sleep: Getting enough rest is essential when trying to recover postnatally. Sleep helps your body heal and repair, so get at least eight hours per night.

  5. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks. This will help your body recover and lead to weight loss more quickly.

  6. Stick to good nutrition: Eating healthy greatly affects postnatal women and everybody. A good diet will help transform your abdominal fat and body composition. Your fat loss journey will be smoother!

  7. Find an activity you enjoy doing: It's essential to find an activity you enjoy, as this will make working out much more manageable. Whether going for a walk in the park or taking a yoga class, find something you look forward to and stick with it!

We know that getting back into shape can be challenging, but we promise it's worth it. These tips will help you get started on your postnatal fitness journey. And remember, we are here to support you every step of the way! Your goal should be to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Resistance training benefits postnatal women

Besides aiding in postural alignment and strengthening the deep abdominal muscles, regular resistance training has many other benefits for postnatal women. These benefits include:

Decreased risk of postpartum depression: A study published in JAMA Psychiatry found that postpartum women who participated in a 12-week exercise program had a significantly lower risk of developing postpartum depression.

Improved self-esteem: Exercise has been shown to improve self-esteem, which can be especially beneficial for postnatal women who may be struggling with their body image.

Reduced stress levels: exercise has been shown to reduce stress levels and help postnatal women cope with the demands of motherhood.

The best nutrition plan for postpartum

A postpartum nutrition plan should focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods. This means plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats.

Here are three nutrients that are especially important for postnatal women:


Iron rich foods to eat

Iron is essential for postnatal women, as they are at a higher risk for iron deficiency. Iron helps to transport oxygen to the cells and is vital for energy production.


Postpartum diet plan

Vitamin B12 is essential for postnatal women as it helps to prevent anemia. Vitamin B12 is in animal products, so postnatal vegetarians may need to supplement this nutrient.

FOLATE (Folic Acid)

Heatlhy diet plan

Folate is essential for postnatal women as it helps to prevent congenital disabilities. Folate is in leafy green vegetables, legumes, and fortified foods.

Amazing results and clients testimonials

Fortius postnatal success stories are proud of our clients who have made incredible postnatal transformations! Here are just a few of their stories:

Clients transformation - how to lose belly fat and live a healthy lifestyle

"I had my baby eight months ago and was feeling so down about my post-baby body. I knew I needed to do something but didn't know where to start. That's when I found Fortius! The postnatal program was what I needed. It was challenging, but it was also so supportive. I am proud of my results and feel much better about myself now." - Tina, a postnatal client.

Clients transformation - improved abdominal fat, muscle and health in general

"I was self-conscious about my post-baby body and didn't want to go to the gym. But then I heard about the Fortius postnatal program, and I decided to try it. It was the best decision I ever made! The workouts were tough, but they were also so much fun. I made a great friendship with my coach and am proud of my results." - Emina, a postnatal client.

Few words from our personal trainer Andjela T. on postpartum physical activity and her way of encouraging clients

Advice of a fitness trainer and life coach

"It is so crucial for women to stay active postnatally. Not only does it help you lose weight and get back in shape, but it also has numerous other benefits. It can help improve your mood, increase energy levels, and even reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

I always encourage clients to set small, achievable goals. For example, start forming a realistic target weight if you want to lose weight. Then, focus on healthy lifestyle choices to help you reach your goal. Remember, it takes time and patience to get back in shape postnatally, but it is achievable with hard work and dedication." - Andjela Tanasic, personal trainer and life coach.


If you are a new mom, postnatal fitness is probably the last thing on your mind. You are probably sleep-deprived, and working out might be daunting. But staying active postnatally for your physical and mental health is essential.

Fitness trainer and life coach for maximum results

We hope you found this blog post helpful and are inspired to start working on your postnatal fitness goals! Remember, we are here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our postnatal programs.

Common questions and answers

Does team Fortius have an experienced postpartum personal trainer?

Yes, we do! We have a couple of postnatal personal trainers who have experience in helping new moms get back in shape postnatally.

What's your tip on how to get into a fitness routine?

The best way to get into a fitness routine is to find an activity you enjoy and can do regularly. If you don't like going to the gym, try finding a workout buddy or taking a fitness class. There are also many great at-home workouts that you can do with minimal equipment. Just be sure to start slowly and increase your intensity gradually.

When is it safe to start working out again?

You should always consult with your doctor before starting any postnatal fitness program. Generally, it is recommended to wait at least six weeks post-delivery before beginning to exercise. This gives your body time to heal and recover from the delivery.

"I lost a lot of lean muscle during pregnancy; how long would it take me to regain it?"

It depends on how much muscle mass you lost and how active you were during pregnancy. If you lose a significant amount of muscle mass, it might take a few months to regain it. However, if you only lost a small amount of muscle mass, you might be able to regain it relatively quickly.

What's the best aerobic exercise after pregnancy?

The best aerobic exercise after pregnancy is walking. Walking is a low-impact exercise that is gentle on your joints and muscles and easy to do with a baby.

Will green tea make you burn more calories and quickly decrease body fat?

No, green tea will not make you burn more calories. However, it is a healthy beverage that can help you reach your postnatal fitness goals. Green tea is a good source of antioxidants and has been shown to boost metabolism and aid in weight loss.

Would you recommend the Fortius Fitness App to a new mommy?

Yes, we would recommend the Fortius Fitness App to a new mommy. The app has a variety of workouts that are perfect for postnatal women. You would be able to stay at home with the little one and smash the workouts! Keep in mind to do it at your own pace. There are also many helpful articles and tips on postnatal fitness, nutrition, and wellness.

Stay Strong #BeFortius

Additional related resources:

Andjela Tanasic

Andjela is a Fitness and Life Coach that likes to help people improve their overall lifestyle.

She holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science, where she specializes in Corrective posture methods and NLP, Life Purpose Coach, and Emotional Intelligence Coach certificates.

She expresses her passion for fitness through many sports, from playing a team sport - volleyball (+7 years of experience), to playing soccer leagues in Dubai and participating in a couple of Fitness bikini competitions in recent years.

She wisely combines everything she knows about the activity of mind and body to get the best outcome with her clients.


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