Dad Bod, Do You Have It & Does It Have To Be The Reality For The Modern Man?

Guide to get rid of your dad bod!

Are you a family man with a Dad Bod? If so, you are not alone. In the modern world, it is becoming increasingly common for men to feel like they have given up once they become fathers and husbands due to work pressures and social norms. Many men today struggle to reclaim their manhood and achieve the fitness and manliness they had before starting a family.

Looking at the modern man, you see a sad shadow of what men used to be in the early days. Dad bods are becoming increasingly common, and men lack the vigor and strength they used to possess when they were younger.

But this doesn't have to be the case! Being fit can provide numerous benefits, such as more productivity at work, higher self-esteem, better mental health, more happiness, better sexual life, and many other physical and mental benefits! Taking care of your body is not just a matter of vanity! It is also essential for overall health and wellness.

It is heartbreaking how many men have forgotten the standard for a real man just a couple of years ago, but nothing to worry about. We can still take back our manhood.

Here are some simple tips to reclaim your manhood and become fit:

  • Set realistic goals; no need to try something crazy or unrealistic

  • Start exercising regularly, even if it's just for a couple of minutes each day

  • Focus on healthy eating habits, and don't forget to get enough protein

  • Practice mindful movement to keep your body in tune with the environment and reduce stress

  • Have a positive mindset, and see every challenge as an opportunity for growth.

Is exercise the fountain of youth?

More gym for better bodies and less dads with dad bods!

As a 34-year-old dad who has been active for the past 30 years, I can tell you with a hundred percent certainty that nothing beats regular exercise when it comes to staying in shape and looking young!

Exercise affects the central nervous system, increases blood flow to the brain, releases endorphins (happiness hormones), strengthens muscles and bones, improves digestion, and so much more! It gives you more energy, increases focus and productivity, boosts self-esteem, and helps you become happier. Not only does exercise make you look better, but it also makes you feel better.

Exercise also has positive effects on your brain. It improves cognitive functions like memory and concentration and even reduces the risk of mood disorders. In short, training is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy, eliminate your beer gut, and say forever goodbye to your dad bod!

Food is for fuel, not for gluttony!

Once you start looking at food as a source of fuel and judging it by its influence on your performance at the gym, at home, at work, and in bed, you will be much more likely to make better choices!

Remove all processed foods and focus on wholesome foods to improve your gut health and body composition. Occasionally indulge in a treat to have some nice balance in your life, but please understand that dad bod with a belly is not a representation of balance in my eyes, at least!

If you can drink a whole bottle of wine or have a few pints of beer but are unable to put effort into actually calculating your protein target for the day and utilizing a simple app 5-10 minutes daily to see how far away from your target you are then, you don't prioritize your health.

With every inch of excess fat and weight you put on, you deviate one step away from optimal health, so don't be that guy that grows old and fragile and represents a burden to everyone around him, instead set your priorities straight and be the man that makes your wife and kids proud and your colleagues at work envious off!

Manage your stress and not the other way around!

Angry man with dad bod shouting and wife and kids!

How often do we, as dads, burn out due to negative thoughts, fear, and low self-worth? YES, I know the pressures of having a family and not being sure whether you will be able to settle your next electricity bill! However, how do you think you will do better if your health is not optimized, your sleep is whack, and you need help staying up after your lunch due to insulin resistance, aka poor blood sugar regulation?

Well, you don't, so to keep your spirit high, your energy channeled in the right direction, and to have the capacity to work harder under challenging times, you must get in tune with your inner self and optimize your physique and well-being!

That is precisely how you will do that:

  • get regular sun exposure

  • fix your nighttime routine

  • get your supplements in order

  • write short and long-term goals

  • stay consistent, and don't give up

Benefits of regular sun exposure!

Sun exposure will give you the essential vitamin D for strong bones and brain development. It will also improve your sleep pattern due to the production of melatonin and serotonin, two hormones that affect our mental state. Additionally, UV exposure stimulates the production of endorphins (aka happiness hormones), so enjoy some time outside in the sun!

Fix your nighttime routine.

Avoid screen time at night, read a book, or play a board game with the family. A bit of family bonding will help you relax and stimulate the production of feel-good hormones, which will help you recharge for the next day.

Eat at least 2 hours before bed; that will improve your deep sleep as a full belly can strain the parasympathetic system and lead to waking up tired in the morning.

Getting sufficient sleep will regulate your appetite, have better energy levels throughout the day, and optimize your sex hormones.

Get your supplements in order!

Vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients should be taken regularly to keep your body functioning optimally. Deficiencies of specific vitamins can lead to chronic health problems.

Essential vitamins and minerals I would focus on are:

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin D

  • Magnesium

  • Zinc

  • Omega 3 fish oil

I would also add the following supplements:

  • Digestion and absorption - Thorne Biogest

  • Stress Management - Gaba and Aswhagandha

  • Water Balance/Hydration - Electrolytes

  • Performance - Creatine

  • Recovery and Gut Health - Glutamine

Why can't I have a dad body? It does not bother me; so many dad bods are already around me!

Slightly overweight people with a dad bod!

I can tell you a dozen reasons why it should bother you, but let me mention a few of the most critical ones!

Google the life expectancy rates for males, and you will notice a downward trend! Higher body fat levels are directly linked with higher mortality rates and an increased likelihood of chronic diseases. A dad bod might not cause your premature death, but it is a contributing factor you should consider! It directly impacts how much cash you will spend on your health insurance and medical bills.

Having a Dad Bod is also linked to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. It is not easy to manage family life with the added stress of being overweight or obese, and we can see that in the increased rates of divorce and domestic violence.

By improving your health and physique, you will increase your status amongst your peers and be a better role model for your kids! You might also motivate your friends to take better care of themselves, and you will be the leader you were meant to be, so stay away from the pizza and find time for yourself!

Beer gut and man boobs should not be your everyday reality!

Yes, perhaps you let go for too long, and it is hard to get back on track, but better now than ever! Take it one step at a time and know that as long as you are working g on improving yourself, your health, and your life, you are doing more than most men!

If you need help structuring a fitness plan that will give you the best possible results with the least effort, contact Fortius Dubai today and book your FREE consultation!

To learn more about our client's fantastic transformation stories, click here!

Male Before and After Body Transformations with Fortius Dubai

Fortius Dubai provides the following services:

In-person - personal training Dubai

Online - online training worldwide

In-person and online - nutrition coaching

To learn more about all things training and nutrition, check out some of our science-based blogs:

  • All you need to know about protein - link

  • How to lose fat the right way - link

  • Guide to finding the right coach for you - link

  • Top 10 gyms in Dubai - link

  • Guide for men on how to build muscle - link

  • How to achieve a body transformation - link

  • I don't eat anything; why am I not losing weight - link

  • Guide for mean on how to build muscle - link

  • What is a bespoke online program? - link

  • Tips for parents to encourage physical activity with kids - link

  • Find out more about online personal training benefits - link

  • Women's workout guide with fitness tips - link

  • Best fitness facility in Dubai - link

  • Back and Hamstring Workout - link

  • Push Pull Workout - link

  • Other blogs - link

Stay Strong


Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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