Is Breakfast The Most Important Meal of The Day? What Does The Scientific Community Claim?

People starring at a plate thinking about the importance of eating breakfast

There is a lot of debate surrounding the importance of breakfast. Some people believe that it is the most important meal of the day, while others think that it can be skipped without any consequences. What does the science say about this? Is there evidence to support either side of the argument? In this blog post, we will look at some of the scientific research on this topic and try to answer these questions. We will also discuss the benefits of eating breakfast and why it might be vital for your health.

Blog Outline

  • Should I eat or skip breakfast for weight loss?

  • Does skipping breakfast impair cognitive function?

  • What are expert opinions about the importance of eating breakfast?

  • A personal opinion on whether you should eat breakfast or skip it?

  • What are some healthy breakfast foods?

  • Easy to make breakfast recipes with healthy foods

  • Conclusion

Should I eat or skip breakfast for weight loss?

A study published in the BMJ

In 2019 a research review was published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). After analyzing 13 breakfast studies, the review found that having breakfast was not a reliable way to lose weight and that skipping breakfast is likely not to lead to weight gain.

These results seem to go against the common belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that skipping it can lead to weight gain.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Between October 2015 and April 2016, a randomized crossover nutrition intervention was conducted at the Institute of Nutritional Medicine at the University of Hohenheim.

Seventeen healthy adults (nine women, eight men) were a part of this study. 13 participants regularly ate their breakfast, while four occasionally skipped their breakfast.

Participants were put through a 3-day intervention:

  1. Intervention 1 - A conventional 3-meal-structure day (control).

  2. Intervention 2 - A breakfast skipping day.

  3. Intervention 3 - A dinner skipping day - more details about the study you can find here.

Results of the study support the association between skipping breakfast and disturbed glucose homeostasis. Skipping breakfast could lead to the development of metabolic inflexibility as a response to prolonged fasting that may, in the long run, lead to low-grade inflammation and impaired glucose homeostasis. It also leads to increased postprandial insulin concentrations and increased fat oxidation. Missing breakfast or dinner occasionally showed an increase in energy expenditure. And in conclusion, the researchers found no evidence that skipping breakfast supports the development of obesity. 

Glucose homeostasis definition - Glucose homeostasis is the term used to describe glucose balance in the body. Glucose is a type of sugar used by the body for energy. The body needs to maintain a balance of glucose to function correctly.

Does skipping breakfast impair cognitive function?

How skipping your first meal of the day affects cognitive function?

A study published in the Ghana Medical Journal

According to a 2014 descriptive cross-sectional study performed among medical students in the University of Ghana medical school, those students who skipped breakfast had more difficulty keeping their attention for long periods. Unlike their colleagues, they would lose focus and feel tired and hungry. Breakfast eaters definitely got the upper hand when it comes to cognitive function.

Does skipping breakfast negatively impact heart health?

A study published in the Journal of the Amerian College of Cardiology.

This study was conducted by Wei Bao, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Iowa College of Public Health. He found that people who never ate breakfast had an 87% higher risk of death caused by cardiovascular disease than people who regularly ate their morning meal. This study supported eating breakfast regularly.

Bao said that health care providers and other experts in the field are well aware of how important it is to have a quality breakfast in the morning. He says that having an early morning meal will jumpstart your metabolism, which is somewhat inconsistent with the findings I have seen.

Bao's team used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, an annual survey from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

What are expert opinions about the importance of eating breakfast?

"Eating breakfast is an essential function to managing and mitigating the damage associated with stress. People often forget that fasting triggers a stress response, which, unless the body is well under relaxed conditions, leads to gluconeogenesis (conversion of proteins into fat). Therefore for 90% of my clients, starting the day with some form of protein, fats, and carbohydrates is a NON-negotiable. My recommendation is mostly a collagen shake, 90% dark chocolate, and a couple of dates." - Eloy Rodriguez PgDip - Performance Nutritionist.

"Many people may think that skipping breakfast allows them to save time or cut out a meal, but it can negatively affect their health and well-being. I would say that breakfast is an essential part of a healthy diet, helping to provide energy and nutrients that the body needs to function throughout the day. So, if you're looking to improve your health and well-being, be sure to start your day with a breakfast." - Andjela Tanasic, Life and Fitness Coach.

"Well, it all depends on your goals and your training schedule. If you train in the morning, having a breakfast meal will most certainly improve your exercise performance as it's an opportunity for you to saturate your muscles with energy, which will help you experience peak performance and get the most out of your workout. If your goal is weight loss, we know starting the day with a good breakfast can help 1) curb sugar cravings, 2) increase satiety which allows you to consume fewer calories during the day, 3) and keep you focused and energized throughout the day. I invite you to keep your breakfast meal rich in protein and fiber, as these two nutrients can help you experience all the above benefits of breakfast." - Faisal Alshawa, BSc, MSc, SeNR, CISSN, founder of Believe Nutrition.

I am not a big fan of not having breakfast. For me, it is the critical meal of the day as it helps you break your overnight fast and gets you from a catabolic into an anabolic state. It nourishes your body replenishes your supply of glucose and boosts your energy levels while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health. 

It improves your energy levels and ability to concentrate in the short term and can help with better weight management and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease in the long term. There is a common myth going around in the wellness community that breakfast speeds up your metabolism, which is a myth. It is well known now that what matters most for metabolism is the total amount of food consumed in a day. It makes no significant difference at what time of the day your meals are. These details matter much more for performance athletes and competitive bodybuilders." - Nina Kojadinovic, Nutritionist Dietitian & Personal Trainer.

A personal opinion on whether you should eat breakfast or skip it?

To answer this question to the best of my abilities, I will have to provide some more context and specify the answer to the goal that person wants to achieve!

Should I skip or eat breakfast when the objective is to lose weight?

If your goal is to lose weight without giving much care to optimizing muscle growth, in that case, I suggest you do whatever your preference is.

If your goal is to lose weight while preserving or even potentially growing some muscle, then I do not recommend that you skip breakfast.

When the objective is performance, should I skip or eat breakfast?

If your goal is performance, then, in that case, I would not recommend that you skip breakfast. Regular eating patterns are crucial for performance optimization.

Should I eat or skip breakfast when the objective is to optimize muscle growth?

In this case, most definitely, you should not skip breakfast. I should not go an extended period without food, and after an overnight fast, you should eat as soon as possible. Objectively if you want to get in 5 servings of protein in a day, you have to get that first meal in before 8 am.

Here is my pyramid of importance when it comes to protein intake!

Picture showcasing the importance of protein timings, frequency and quantity

When the objective is health should I eat or skip breakfast?

I would say, and this is purely my logical thinking mixed with the studies I have read, that you should neither skip breakfast all the time nor always be in a feed state. Neither of those would lead to health optimization. There must be a period in which our bodies are fed well, but I am most certainly convinced that fasting has some great benefits if done methodically.

What are some healthy breakfast foods?

Protein-rich breakfast foods

Protein-rich breakfast foods

Fat-rich healthy breakfast foods

Fat-rich healthy breakfast foods

  • avocado

  • olive oil

  • sunflower seeds

  • chia seeds

  • nut butter

  • cheddar cheese

Carb-rich healthy breakfast foods

Carb-rich healthy breakfast foods

  • berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc.)

  • melon and other fresh fruit

  • whole-grain bread

  • steel-cut oats

  • natural honey

  • overnight oats

Easy to make breakfast recipes with healthy foods!

Check out our high protein, low sugar breakfast options to keep your blood sugar in check! Both meals contain nutritious foods that will set you up for a successful day!

Eggs and avocado breakfast in under 5 minutes


  1. Three eggs

  2. Whole avocado

  3. 1/3 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt

  4. Teaspoon mustard

  5. 100g blueberries 

  6. Teaspoon ghee

Check out this link for our Youtube Video

Egg-free turkey breast and mozzarella breakfast


  1. Multigrain toast

  2. Avocado

  3. Himalayan Pink Salt

  4. Lemon

  5. Smoked Turkey Breast

  6. Mozzarella

  7. Tomato

  8. Olive Oil

Check out this link for our Youtube Video


There is a lot of scientific evidence that supports the importance of breakfast. However, we could not say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is essential for performance and optimizing muscle growth, but it might not be as crucial for weight loss and general health. You can be healthy and achieve excellent body transformation results even if you skip breakfast occasionally or prefer to have a late one.

Stay Strong #BeFortius

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Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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