What is Wellbeing, and How is it Connected to Your Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Social Health?

Picture showing mental health, emotional health, physical and social health in relation to well-being

Blog outline

  1. What is wellbeing?

  2. How is wellbeing connected to your physical health?

  3. How is wellbeing connected to your emotional health?

  4. How is wellbeing connected to your mental health?

  5. How is wellbeing connected to your social health?

  6. How can YOU improve your wellbeing?

  7. What is confidence?

  8. How can YOU boost your self-confidence?

  9. What is self-esteem?

  10. What is the difference between confidence and self-esteem?

  11. Does your self-esteem improve when you work on your wellbeing?

  12. Some reasons why you might be struggling with your wellbeing!

  13. How can Fortius help you build more confidence and improve your emotional health and overall wellbeing!

  14. Few important notes about wellbeing from our expert Andjela Tanasic!

What is wellbeing?

Build Self Esteem and increase positive feelings with this blog!

Wellbeing refers to being happy and healthy, both physically and mentally. Wellbeing includes your physical health, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing. It is a sense of overall satisfaction with life and can be summed up as having a good balance in all areas of your life.

How is wellbeing connected to your physical health?

When it comes to your physical health, wellbeing means being in good shape both physically and mentally. You should feel good about your body, have plenty of energy, and be able to do the things you enjoy.

How is wellbeing connected to your emotional health?

When it comes to your emotional wellbeing, wellbeing means having positive relationships, being able to express your emotions, and feeling good about yourself.

How is wellbeing connected to your mental health?

When it comes to your mental wellbeing, wellbeing means feeling positive and happy most of the time, having a solid sense of self-worth, and being able to cope with stress.

How is wellbeing connected to your social health?

When it comes to your social wellbeing, wellbeing means having a strong network of friends and family and feeling connected to your community. And when it comes to your spiritual wellbeing, wellbeing means having a sense of purpose and meaning in life and being connected to something bigger than yourself.

How can YOU improve your wellbeing?

You can do many things to improve your wellbeing, from making small changes in your daily routine to significant lifestyle changes.

Simple things you can do to improve your wellbeing!

  • Exercise regularly. Exercise releases endorphins, which help reduce stress levels and make you feel good both physically and mentally.

  • Eat a healthy diet. Eating nutritious foods helps to keep your body and mind healthy.

  • Spend time with friends and family. Spending time with the people you care about is a great way to improve your emotional health and empathy.

  • Connect with nature. Getting outside and connecting with nature has been shown to improve mental health.

  • Practice self-care. Taking time for yourself is essential for your wellbeing.

  • Meditate. Meditation can help to improve your wellbeing by reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

  • Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is essential for a healthy mind and body.

  • Seek professional help if needed. If you're struggling with your wellbeing, it's vital to seek professional help.

What is confidence?

Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's ability to cope with the demands of a situation. It is not the absence of fear but the ability to move forward despite the fear. Confidence enables people to face their fears and doubts, take risks, and achieve their goals.

How can YOU boost your self-confidence?

A very confident person, or someone who does not have low self esteem and believes in his own ability!
  • Make a list of your accomplishments. Write down everything you've achieved in life, no matter how big or small, and see that you have accomplished quite a bit. 

  • Set realistic goals and achieve them. When you complete something, it will help to boost your confidence.

  • Dress for success. Wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself and represent who you want to be.

  • Fake it until you make it. In the beginning, it might be challenging to feel confident, but act confident until you start to feel it.

  • Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself, and don't put too much pressure on yourself.

  • Get professional help if needed. If you're struggling with your confidence, it's essential to seek professional help.

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is a feeling of self-worth that comes from within. It's your opinion of yourself, and it can be positive or negative. People with high self-esteem generally see themselves positively and feel good about themselves, while people with low self-esteem often see themselves in a negative light and have a lot of self-doubts.

What is the difference between confidence and self-esteem?

No, confidence and self-esteem are not the same. Many people mistake confidence with self-esteem. Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance, while self-esteem is a feeling of self-worth, and both come from within yourself. 

Does your self-esteem improve when you work on your wellbeing?

There is a link between self-esteem and wellbeing. When you work on your wellbeing, it can help to improve your self-esteem. However, self-esteem is not solely based on wellbeing. It can be influenced by many different things, such as our achievements, relationships, and view of ourselves.

Some reasons why you might be struggling with your wellbeing!

Reasons why people struggle!

Many things can negatively impact your wellbeing like negative self-talk, negative emotions, poor physical health, lack of positive feedback, sleep deprivation, toxic overload, and poor food choices.

How can Fortius help you build more confidence and improve your emotional health and overall wellbeing!

Fortius Dubai Mentorship Program for Optimizing Your Life!

Fortius is a team of experts that can help you achieve your goals like increasing self-belief and building a positive image. We can help you with regular exercise and provide you with the tools to influence your self-esteem and help you get rid of negative feelings!

We offer a range of programs and services, including one-on-one mentoring, group mentorship programs, and online resources. If you're interested in finding out more, get in touch today, and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Few important notes about wellbeing from our expert Andjela Tanasic!

Life Purpose and emotional health expert Andjela Tanasic
  • When it comes to wellbeing, one of the important things to mention is that you have to remind yourself that you're not alone. There are plenty of people who care about you and want to help you. If you're feeling down, don't hesitate to reach out to someone. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

  • Wellbeing is also about balance. It's essential to balance work and play, between alone time and social time, mind and body. When you have a healthy balance in your life, you're more likely to feel happy and healthy.

  • Finally, wellbeing is something that you have to work on every day. It's not something that you can achieve overnight. But if you commit to taking care of yourself, eventually, you will see results. Just remember to be patient and kind to yourself along the way.

Client testimonials

"When I started the Fortius mentoring program with my life purpose coach Adnjela Tanasic I struggled with my emotional health and got upset at everything that would not go my way. It used to burn me out, and I would not be able to be efficient at my work. I also struggled to eat a balanced diet and have a regular exercise program. Thanks to my trainer's support, I managed to improve my emotional health and drastically reduce the number of negative emotions I used to have. I am much more productive at work but still struggling with being regular in the gym. We have a long way to go, but I feel like a new person!" - Hiba, 28 years old.

"I was struggling with low self-confidence when I came to Fortius. I had no idea where to start. But the team at Fortius was so supportive and helped me find a program that worked for me. I quickly saw results and reached a healthy self-esteem level in just a couple of weeks. My trainer often said that emotionally healthy people are happy people, and it is 100% true. Balancing my emotions and reducing negative self-talk was crucial for improving my emotional health." – Jane, 32 years old.

To find out more about our client's success stories.

Common questions and answers

Do you have a certified mental health professional?

Our trainers are certified as life-purpose coaches and emotional intelligence coaches. If you have a mental illness, we suggest seeking professional help from a mental health specialist.

What is the success rate with the Fortius Dubai mentoring program?

It depends on how much you want it and is willing to work for it. We have seen people who have turned their lives around completely and others who have made small but significant changes. The important thing is that you're taking action and making progress, even if it's slow.

What are the risks of taking the mentoring program with Fortius Dubai?

The only risk is that you might not get the results you want. But if you're willing to put in the work, we believe you will be successful.


The well-being of our minds is just as crucial as the well-being of our bodies. If you want to improve your self-confidence and esteem, many steps can help get you started on a well-being journey. It's hard work, but it will be worth it because when we're happy with ourselves, so much more becomes possible.

If you're interested in finding out more about Wellbeing or getting started on your journey, Fortius can help. We offer a range of programs and services to help you achieve your goals. Get in touch with us today to learn more.

Stay Strong #BeFortius

Additional related resources:

Andjela Tanasic

Andjela is a Fitness and Life Coach that likes to help people improve their overall lifestyle.

She holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science, where she specializes in Corrective posture methods and NLP, Life Purpose Coach, and Emotional Intelligence Coach certificates.

She expresses her passion for fitness through many sports, from playing a team sport - volleyball (+7 years of experience), to playing soccer leagues in Dubai and participating in a couple of Fitness bikini competitions in recent years.

She wisely combines everything she knows about the activity of mind and body to get the best outcome with her clients.


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