Nutrition Dubai: Find Out Why Working With a Nutrition Coach With a Degree in Sports Science Might Be Your Best Option!

Nutritional Programs with Fortius Dubai

Quite often, I have had the chance to work with people that have worked with some of the best dietitians in Dubai and around the World but have yet to succeed because the services included a very cookie-cutter approach.

The advice would usually sound something along the line:

  • "calories don't matter much,"

  • "remove processed foods,"

  • "don't eat red meat and whole eggs more than once a week,"

  • "eat a lot of greens and vegetables," etc.

  • "here is a list of foods to avoid."

  • "here is a list of foods to consume."

See, this kind of advice is not bad; besides the one, calories don't matter much, but the rest is half decent if you consider it a generic 20-dollar guidebook. However, suppose it is a one-on-one nutrition coaching program focusing on weight management, improving health and well-being, or perhaps improving the symptoms of insulin resistance and diabetes through medical nutrition therapy (MNT). In that case, you are paying them 500-1000 dollars per month, which is not a professional approach.

What is the role of a dietitian and nutrition coach?

What Roles Do Dietitians Play in Weight Management and Improvement of Other Health Conditions

A great nutritionist and nutrition coach will take a very detailed and professional approach when dealing with each patient/individual. The list of services includes:

  • Curation of a personalized eating plan that will be tweaked based on regular feedback reports (not one standard procedure that never changes)

  • Education, meaning that once you have completed 1-3 months of nutrition coaching with an expert, you will not need any more support from dietitians or a clinic, doctor, etc., when it comes to nutrition as you will gain the foundational knowledge to support yourself and make meaningful decisions on your own!

  • Accountability coaching, meaning regular follow-ups to ensure that you build good eating habits, but not just that, also understanding the importance of physical activity and supporting the creation of a range of lifestyle changes that will help you optimize your health and well-being!

What are the main differences between sports nutrition, weight loss nutrition, and medical nutrition therapy?

Differences between nutrition for sports performance, diabetes and treatment of obesity!

Let's first start with what is common between the three types of nutrition programs:

  • The majority of the diet should consist of nutritious whole foods.

  • Protein represents an important macronutrient that should be kept under 1.5 grams per kilogram/body weight in none of the above situations.

  • All three macronutrients, protein, fats, and carbs, must be present in the diet for optimal health and well-being.

Now let us look at some of the main differences between the three dieting strategies:

  • The number one requirement for weight loss is to be in a caloric deficit, meaning consuming fewer calories than you burn.

  • When it comes to medical nutrition therapy, the objective is to improve the symptoms and treat certain medical conditions like cholesterol levels, diabetes, and others. In this case, the individual might have to be put on a low-carb diet if the issue is insulin resistance, like in cases of pre-diabetes and diabetes 2. However, if that person is overweight, they will also benefit from being in a caloric deficit and losing weight. If the person is not overweight but has a high body fat percentage, then lifting weights and ensuring a high protein diet will help improve body composition (meaning lowering fat levels and increasing lean mass), which means that person does not need to be in a caloric deficit rather can be on maintenance calories or even in a slight surplus. In cases of high cholesterol levels, if not a genetic predisposition with good lifestyle changes and some changes in the dieting approach like controlling saturated fat intake can improve lipid levels and then, based on the BMI of the person and height to waist ratio, an additional caloric deficit will bring a myriad of other health improvements.

  • Regarding sports nutrition, the key is to fuel the body for optimal training and performance during matches, fights, and competitions. In this case, some athletes need to fit a certain weight category which means it is necessary to go into large deficits to drop weight quickly, which does not prioritize the athlete's health and well-being. In some cases, when the person is preparing for long-distance runs like marathons, the carb-loading process can be quite demanding and, again, can deviate from what we consider ideal health. So the conclusion would be that sports nutrition is geared towards achieving the best possible outcome in a competition rather than focusing on perfect blood sugar levels, lipids, and overall well-being. But we also need to note that when not in competition mode or prep, the athletes work on balancing all their blood work parameters, body fat levels, and fitness performance.

To learn more about how we can help you with your weight loss, performance, and health objectives, check out our nutrition coaching page, where you can find details about our team, experience, and client testimonials!

To book your free consultation with us, click on the button below!

book a nutrition coach for a healthier life

Common questions and answers

Do you work with people with an eating disorder?

We are not qualified to work with people with eating disorders, but we do not shy away from helping any individual through education, advice, and support! We have worked with people through personal and nutrition training who have had eating disorders in the past with good success.

How much weight can I lose in a month?

Weight management is complex, and there is no ideal rate of weight loss, but based on experiential knowledge and scientific journals and studies, a weight loss rate of 500 grams per week is close to optimal. The rate will vary on the objective, the person's current health, BMI, fat levels, age, size, and amount of work they are willing to put in! We have had people lose 1kg to 4 kilograms per month.

I have food intolerances; what can I do about that?

When it comes to food intolerances, there are a few things you can do:

  • Process of elimination - to find out what foods your body does not tolerate, you need to have a journal and report regularly how you feel after meals. When you have narrowed down what is the cause of the food intolerances, you can take a break from those foods and try introducing them at a later stage slowly and assess how you feel.

  • Improve your cardiovascular fitness - often, improving your cardiovascular fitness can lead to better digestion and less belatedness.

  • Increase fibers - a low fiber intake often leads to irregular bowel movements.

  • Avoid alcohol - it will lower inflammation and improve overall digestion, and might result in fewer food intolerances.

  • Overall better lifestyle choices - good long-term decisions will help you improve your gut health, digestion, and bowel movements.

Do you work with people that have a history of heart disease?

Our clients have chronic cardiovascular disease, and they have seen great progress with our personal training and nutrition coaching services. As long as we have approval from the doctor, we can assist you!


Nutrition is a complex science with different objectives and outcomes depending on the person doing it. When working with someone who has a background in sports science to gain knowledge and have someone as an accountability coach, it might be more beneficial than relying on the classical nutritionist that does not understand the body's requirements for essential macronutrients like protein and carbs, which defies to follow the newest scientific trends and removes rice from your diet without giving you a thorough explanation why they are doing so! So if you want to talk with us today for FREE to see if we are the right fit to work together, click here!

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