Why YOU Keep Failing on Your Fitness Journey And How to Break The Cycle!

Why you keep failing to reach your fitness goals!

If you are sensitive to criticism, don't read this blog; I will not sugarcoat it for you!

Most of you fail on your fitness journey over and over again! Despite your best efforts and good intentions. Is it because of your genetics or bad luck?

The truth is, it isn't. You probably don't even realize it, but the failure lies within you in most cases. You're prioritizing many other things over your physical health and appearance. I can't come to a session this week because my parents are in town, I can't come to the session because you are working on a project, and I can't come to the gym this week because you are going through a breakup! These are just some of the many excuses people come up with.

Rather than taking charge of your life, you adopt the victim mentality and blame other people for their frugal lifestyle choices. Why can't you be more like my client, who runs five restaurants and still manages to hit the gym 3-4 times per week at the age of 40 plus? I have people working with me visiting three countries every week and still reporting their workouts through our online training app.

You want it, or you don't, and you probably do not want it enough if you think that your friend's visit is a reason enough to go MIA from your training for an entire week or if you can't miss a Sunday brunch even though your belt is on its last hole!

Common excuses why people dont reach their fitness goals

Please don't get upset; I know you might be thinking, but I have tried, wasted money on different programs, trainers, and supplements, and it has not worked for me! I will only ask you four questions:

  1. how long have you been out of shape,

  2. for how many years have you been gaining weight and

  3. what research did you do to learn what it takes to get results and

  4. For how long have you been committed to the process?

All the questions are essential because you have people that have been gaining weight over the past decade but expect a change in 3 months with just 2-3 hours of training per week and a flexible dieting approach.

You are getting a premium service, so make sure the person you want to work with has proof of success and can outline your goals and the exact plan for how to get those results, along with a realistic timeline. Many of you did zero research, chose your trainer purely based on his looks, and paid him extra because he has a six-pack and nicely cut hairstyle. I don't feel sorry for you when purchasing a service, do your due diligence. 

Finally, how committed were you to the process, and for how long? Want to know the average number of hours our client trains per week when you account for the days missed due to sickness, travel, and other life events? You will be shocked, but most average under 2 hours a week! You heard that right; the average client trains less than 2 hours per week! Who do you think we are? Because you paid someone 3000 pounds for personal training, they will somehow do the work for you, wave a magic stick and let things happen.

Sorry to say this, but losing fat and building muscle is hard work that requires discipline, commitment for the long term, and willingness to sacrifice, which most people don't have. Living in the comfort zone is the reality for most, and possibly the main reason prosperity is not coming your way the way you want it to!

So what needs to happen for you to change, take charge of your life, smash your fitness routine, and get those goals you always missed?

In most cases, people wait until they hit rock bottom, then get angry at themselves, and then they may have that awakening they need to set their priorities straight and stay consistent with their fitness routine. Hopefully, that won't be the case for you, but in most situations, only a significant life event leads people to take their health seriously. 

I hope you won't be that person and wait until the last moment. Here are a few tips to help you get started today and ensure you stay on the right track for a long time! 

Remove old habits that kept you down.

Make some sacrifices and get rid of some of the things you can live without, like watching Netflix every day or going out with friends three times per week and getting drowned in some overpriced alcohol that makes your wallet thinner and your belly thicker!

Find a professional to help you out with programming and nutrition.

Do your research, find the right person with proof of success who can help you achieve more with less work, and act as an inspiration and accountability partner. That will significantly impact you and help you stay focused for long periods.

Make your workouts your priority in your schedule.

People make a common mistake, either overdoing it or not committing it at all! You don't want to be that person that smashes the short-term goals with five weekly workouts to fall off the bandwagon after one month, but you also don't want to be the person that forgets their workouts because you have not set it in your calendar. Find a balance, set realistic short- and long-term goals with your personal trainer, and commit to it fully. Most people achieve fantastic results with a 3-a-week training program and some minor changes in their nutrition habits!

Know the basics of training and nutrition.

Don't be the person that thinks avocado is protein and that rice makes you fat. Be invested in your journey, learn from your trainer, and occasionally read a blog or book. All of that will help you reach your fitness goal and also maintain your results in the long run.

No sacrifice leads to no results.

Be ready to get out of your comfort zone every once in a while. Being hungry occasionally will only do good for you; it will help you iron that will and become more resilient in everyday life. Stop looking at food as good or bad and instead look at it as fuel for your body. Make choices based on your body's needs, not your mind's cravings.

Be realistic with your expectations and stop comparing yourself with fitness influencers.

This one is closely associated with education because people who know the basics of muscle building and weight loss will be satisfied if they don't gain 10 kilograms of muscle in 3 months or fail to lose their belly fat in 10 training sessions. Education will help you understand the work you need to put in and will help you push through major obstacles in situations in which most short-viewed individuals will fail. Comparing oneself with fitness influencers is a great way to get disappointed quickly and is one reason people fail on their weight loss journeys. These people are paid to look good, and all they do and have been doing for years is sleep train and take care of themselves, so forget about them and stay focused on yourself, put in the actual work, and take pride in small wins along the way!

Whether your fitness goals are improvement in body composition (losing fat & gaining muscle) or performance-based resistance training should be an integral part of the journey!

Benefits of exercise for success and motivation inside and outside of the gym

Resistance training is training with your body weight and with weights (free weights and machines). It will help you achieve your goals faster, as well as provide a plethora of benefits to both physical health & appearance. Improved muscle mass, strength, mobility, and better posture benefit.

Apart from physical gains, there is also psychological benefit from regular exercise. People who exercise regularly have a higher status amongst their peers and feel more confident about themselves! Exercise releases endorphins, known as the "happiness hormones," and helps to improve your mood and reduce stress levels. Regular exercise can also help to sharpen memory and increase productivity.

So what's the take-home message?

If you want to succeed on your fitness journey:

  1. Take the right actions and prioritize fitness.

  2. Commit to regular exercise, educate yourself on nutrition & resistance training, and set realistic expectations.

  3. Don't be afraid of sacrifice - it is essential to success.

  4. Don't compare yourself with others.

  5. Stay focused on yourself and take pleasure in small wins along the way.

Fitness will bring you countless physical and psychological benefits, so don't give up! Start now and make it happen!

Suppose you need help structuring a new fitness routine for yourself and need someone to provide you with a meal plan and education and act as your accountability partner. In that case, we at Fortius have all the systems to help you no matter what corner of the world you might be in!

Find out more about what Fortius has to offer:

In-person - personal training Dubai

Online - online training worldwide

In-person and online - nutrition coaching

To learn more about all things training and nutrition, check out some of our science-based blogs:

  • All you need to know about protein - link

  • How to lose fat the right way - link

  • Guide to finding the right coach for you - link

  • Top 10 gyms in Dubai - link

  • Guide for men on how to build muscle - link

  • How to achieve a body transformation - link

  • I don't eat anything; why am I not losing weight - link

  • Guide for mean on how to build muscle - link

  • What is a bespoke online program? - link

  • Tips for parents to encourage physical activity with kids - link

  • Find out more about online personal training benefits - link

  • Women's workout guide with fitness tips - link

  • Best fitness facility in Dubai - link

  • Back and Hamstring Workout - link

  • Push Pull Workout - link

  • Other blogs - link

Stay Strong


Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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