Tips To Overcome Gym Anxiety and Fear of Joining a Gym + Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health

Gym anxiety tips and benefits of exercise for mental health!

Many of us struggle with fear and anxiety when considering joining a gym. We often feel overwhelmed by the idea of going to a place with loud music full of fit people in their tank tops and tight leggings. We feel intimidated, like everyone will judge us, making us even more conscious of our bodies.

If you are facing this, please know that you are not alone; according to different pools, we can see that 30-50% of people have gym anxiety! According to a study conducted by One Poll on 2000 Americans, almost one in two had social anxiety related to joining a gym!

That's why we will share some tips that can help you on your journey of overcoming gym anxiety exercise can be the best thing when it comes to improved mental health and improved symptoms of anxiety disorders, as it is proven that exercise helps reduce stress builds resilience, shapes focus, increases energy and elevates your mood!

Here are some tips to help you overcome gym fear and anxiety!

Find the Right Gym

Visit a few gyms in your area before selecting one that feels comfortable. Ensure it is clean and well-kept, with equipment suitable for your fitness goals. Find out whether any classes are available that suit your needs and preferences. A friendly staff can make you feel more confident about joining the gym.

Find a Time When The Gym is Less Crowded

If you have high social anxiety, perhaps hitting the gym during peak hours might not be the wisest thing to do, so try working on a schedule when the gym is less crowded. Some gyms also offer special hours for women, so if you feel more comfortable around people of the same gender, it might be an excellent option to consider, or in some areas, you can find gyms with separate male and female training areas.

Pay Attention to Your Breathing

When you feel anxiety creeping up on you, please take a moment to assess your breathing. Slow, deep breathing calms both the body and mind and can help lower your levels of stress hormones like cortisol. With practice, controlled breathing can help you remain in control when gym anxiety strikes.

Listen To Music

Having your own headphones on while listening to your favorite music can help you tune out and can provide the feeling of safety and security. It is also a great way to get motivated and push yourself to reach your fitness goals without focusing on the people around you, which can reduce gym anxiety.

Set Realistic Goals

When starting a fitness program, you must set realistic goals for yourself so that you will not become discouraged when they are unmet. Setting small goals, such as going to the gym 3 times a week, can be a great start. Discussing your objectives with an experienced fitness professional can help you set short and long-term goals that can help you stay motivated.

Find an Accountability Partner

Having someone to accompany you on your fitness journey could make it easier for you to stay motivated and feel supported. If you need to find someone interested in joining the gym, consider finding an online accountability partner or hiring a personal trainer to help guide you through your fitness routine.

These are just a few tips that can help you reduce gym intimidation. Also, know that most people in a gym are solely focused on their own fitness objectives, and they are on the gym floor to work out and not to watch or judge the people around them.

From our experience of working with personal training clients and online clients for over 12 years, we can also tell you that some of our fittest clients faced severe social anxiety in a gym environment, so know that even if you feel uncomfortable due to your current physical state some of the fittest people around you might be facing hardcore anxiety.

Yes, it sounds cheesy, but the main takeaway is that no matter how fit you are, you can still be self-conscious, lack confidence, and you might be worrying about other people judging you!

Now let's dive deep into why you must introduce some physical activity into your daily routine as we discuss the benefits of being physically active for mental health!

Benefits of Being Physically Active For Your Mental Health

It is well established that being physically active has numerous benefits for your general health, but let's look deeper into how exercise affects your mental health.

Exercise benefits for mental health!

Reduces stress and anxiety

Exercise releases endorphins, which can boost your mood. It can also help distract you from the negative thought processes that you might have when being inactive.

Improves mood

Exercise can help to improve your overall mood and make you feel more positive and optimistic. It can also help to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. A good workout routine that allows you to accomplish more minor challenges will again improve the production of happiness hormones like dopamine and serotonin, which will profoundly impact your mental health.

Increases self-esteem

Exercise can help you to feel more confident and capable. As mentioned above, accomplishing smaller fitness goals will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you improve your self-esteem.

Improves sleep

Exercise can help you to sleep better at night. This is because exercise helps to tire you out and regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.

Boosts energy levels

Exercise can help to give you more energy throughout the day. This is because exercise helps improve your cardiovascular health and metabolism, positively affecting your daily energy levels and mental health.

Improves cognitive function

Exercise can help to improve your memory, concentration, and decision-making skills. It can also help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.

Builds Resilience

By understanding what your body is capable of, you will also build resilience and self-confidence. Exercise can help you become aware of the power of your mind and body to overcome challenging situations.

Increases social interaction

Exercise can help you to connect with others and make new friends. This can be especially beneficial for people who are feeling isolated or lonely.

A study published in Trends in Psychiatry and Physiotherapy supports the claims that depression symptoms are reduced with regular physical activity, and numerous other studies show significant benefits of physical exercise for mental health.

Our Own Client's Experiences With Gym Anxiety

As mental health is a touchy topic and we live in a small community, we will use alias names to preserve the identity of our clients.

"For months, I wanted to start my fitness journey, but I was afraid of committing and simply did not trust my body. I was in a terrible state, my health was deteriorating, and I knew I had to start, but every time I thought about joining a gym, I felt anxious. What helped me the most was the fact that I managed to get my trainer to come to my primarily empty community gym. I spent a year training there before I was finally ready to join a better-equipped commercial gym. Now I love coming to a gym simply because you can always see a lot of motivation, if you know what I mean (laughs). Also, when I think about those beginnings of my fitness journey, I realize how silly it is, but at that time, I truly feared being in a crowded gym environment. I am glad that the fitness industry is more aware of this issue and working on helping people overcome gymtimidation" - Y.E.

"I booked a FREE consultation with Fortius Dubai and met coach Milos at Train Strength and Fitness gym in Al Quoz. Train SF is one of the largest gyms in Dubai, and while waiting for coach Milos to come, I had already decided in my head that I would never step foot in such a facility again. After talking to a few friends that had worked with him, I somehow managed to find the courage to join the gym, and it took me a good few months to build confidence and feel less anxious when in such an environment. I believe gym anxiety prevents many people from taking the first step toward improving their health and well-being. Still, all I can say is that if you find the proper support, it will be the best thing you ever did for yourself! The exciting thing I discovered in the gym is that most people are so focused on their workouts that they do not have time to look at others around them, and at the end of the day, if some people judge, it shows their bad character and has nothing to do with my self-worth." - L.G.

"My job required me to hold presentations in a room with 30-50 participants. All eyes were on me, but somehow I never felt any stress related to that; however, when it came to being in a packed gym, I felt anxiety and self-doubt creeping in every time. I remember coach Milos telling me how if he had to hold a presentation, he would be so stressed and that he really couldn't fully understand why I was feeling anxious in a gym, especially when, at that point, I was in pretty good shape. I knew how to execute most of the exercises on my own. We used to get in a good laugh when we discussed different topics about how people have fear and anxiety in entirely different situations. What helped me most to push through the workouts and enjoy them was that I clicked with my coach, and when with him, I felt that I was in a safe space. I, until today, have not managed to get rid of the gym-related anxiety fully, but I am working on it and not giving up on my fitness objectives as I know how many benefits training has brought to my life! - C.E.

"I had strong gym anxiety which only increased after attending some group fitness classes where the fitness instructor pushed me beyond my comfort zone! It took me a while to find the courage to make another attempt at training at the gym, but thanks to the personal trainers from Fortius Dubai this has become one of my favorite activities. I have managed to drop a significant amount of weight and have almost no gym anxiety unless I am going alone to a completely new gym. I would advice people with anxiety to first try out a private gym or start exercising at home until you feel more confident about yourself and then hit the gym with the person you have built a positive relationship with to ensure that they are there to make you feel safer." - L.D.

Overcome Your Gym Anxiety with the Right Support

Personal Trainer Support in Dubai

If you don't feel comfortable with crowded spaces and they drastically increase your anxiety, you should not have to force yourself to be in those environments. Here at Fortius Dubai, we believe in providing the best support for our clients and helping them reach their goals, no matter where you train. Whether in the comfort of your own home or a fully packed commercial gym, we have you covered!

We have online and face-to-face personal training options to help you achieve your fitness goals. Our team of qualified professionals is highly knowledgeable and experienced, so you know you're in safe hands!

We prioritize creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere for our clients by constantly listening to their needs. Our sessions are tailored to help you achieve your fitness goals while having fun!

So don't let gym anxiety or fear of joining a gym keep you from living your best life; seek professional support and become the best version of yourself!

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