Increase Libido and Improve Energy and Mood with Maca Root: Does It Work? A Scientific Review

From the Peruvian Andes, maca root has been used for its potential libido-boosting benefits over thousands of years. With an ever-growing interest in natural remedies and supplements, this superfood has become popular as people seek safe alternatives for promoting energy levels and improving moods. To better understand what truth lies behind these claims about increasing libido with Maca Plant, we will look to see if there is any scientific proof. This article will explore how the plant is processed into a supplement form, examine published research on its advantages, and examine conflicting findings. Assess other health gains that could be associated with taking it. We’ll give guidance regarding recommended dosage and safety considerations when considering the usage of Maca supplements.

Key Takeaways

  • Maca supplement can potentially benefit men’s sexual health, energy levels, and mood.

  • Studies have mixed results on Maca Root’s effectiveness. Research is needed to understand its effects.

  • Biogena’s Maca Energy supplement combines natural ingredients like maca root with ginseng & guarana extracts for optimal results when taken safely under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Understanding Low Libido and Sexual Dysfunction in Men

A man holding a bowl of maca root powder

Male sexual health can be compromised due to a variety of issues, such as medical conditions, psychological ailments, certain medicines and poor lifestyle choices. To improve one’s sex life, it is essential to identify the root cause behind low libido and sexual dysfunction before seeking an appropriate treatment plan. Sometimes simply losing weight, dropping body fat levels and improving overall health can improve sexual libido, but in other occasions, tackling relationship problems, handling physical diseases like hypothyroidism or reduced serum testosterone levels, as well managing mental health matters including anxiety and depression might be needed to help enhance male sexual performance in some cases.

We realize how important it is for men suffering with these troubles to receive professional guidance that will help them improve sexual drive. In today's article our core focus will be on Maca supplementions!

From Plant to Supplement: Sourcing Maca Root

A hand holding a spoon of maca root powder

Peruvian maca, otherwise known as the ancient andean superfood Maca root or Peruvian ginseng, has been renowned for its energizing and therapeutic capabilities for centuries. Historically used to enhance male libido and strength in Peru, this herb is believed to be capable of increasing fertility rates and alleviating menopausal problems among women due to its plentiful essential ingredients such as glucosinolates, carboline alkaloids imidazole alkaloids, common amide alkaloids,macamides. It’s easy enough to consume it via a few different forms including capsules powder form so that one can easily incorporate into recipes like smoothies or energy balls with maca root powder.

The opportunity benefits of taking Maca seem mainly from how it affects our endocrine system, which controls hormone production by stimulating luteinizing hormone (LH), thus possibly influencing testosterone levels among males and estrogen amongst females, thereby leading to more vitality mood along with heightened sexual activity. Nevertheless, there are still many studies required before we have concrete info backing up any claim about it assisting impotence improvement-wise. The adaptability comes through multiple supplement options like powder extracts backed together within supplements. Overall, studying the potential advantages associated with consumption indicates efficacy, yet research is needed towards maximum comprehension and understanding behind Libido enhancement effects specifically derived out of use!

Contradictory Findings: Studies Questioning Maca Root's Effectiveness

Studies looking into the potential benefits of Maca root on libido, mood and energy have been promising. A systematic review that covered 17 databases analyzing any type of randomized clinical trials using maca in healthy people or those with sexual dysfunction was able to show promise after six weeks. Namely an improvement in sexual desire based off four small studies. As such, exploration is needed if a better understanding regarding its effectiveness wants to be gained.

In conclusion, although some evidence suggests positive effects from utilizing Maca Root, there needs more research before being sure how effective this remedy actually is when taking into account all associated circumstances hence keeping up with new scientific developments should remain open minded regarding possible supplementation strategies.

Additional Potential Benefits of Maca Root

A woman holding a bowl of maca root powder

Maca root has been known to offer potential benefits when it comes to sexual function, which could extend into postmenopausal women. Such possible advantages include alleviation of menopause symptoms, higher energy levels and better brain and skin health. More research needs to be done in order for us to understand its full scope of effects.

Studies have also suggested that maca may help those suffering from low libido or other forms of sexual dysfunction both among males and females alike – although one should seek medical advice first before taking advantage of this plant’s potential rewards.

Maca Root Dosage and Consumption Recommendations

Consumption of maca root in medicinal dosages typically ranges from 1.5-3 g a day, but it is still wise to consult with your healthcare practitioner before beginning supplementation as its effects may vary between individuals. Maca can be acquired in multiple forms like capsules, extracts and powder. Adding the latter to food items such as energy balls or smoothies is an easy way to consume this herbal remedy. To get effective results while consuming maca root safely without any potential side effects, consulting a doctor beforehand would be advantageous.

Spotlight on Biogena's Maca Energy

Biogena’s Maca Energy is a nourishing combination of maca root and natural extracts, like ginseng root extract and guarana extract. Taking this supplement has the potential to promote improved energy levels, increased vitality and enhanced libido, thanks to its specially selected standardised plant ingredients.

Using high-quality Biogena maca products provides support in many areas including resistance against stress as well as relief from symptoms associated with menopause. Not forgetting how it can improve both mood and sexual function too! For best results, you should only choose superior quality sources for your supplements – i.e., get them from trustworthy companies such as Biogenas’ own brand of MacaeEnergy.

For those wanting an extra boost, then taking advantage ofmaca products is highly beneficial: full nutrients included means more robust energy levels and a better feeling overall state of mind, greatly encouraging better performance during daily tasks at hand!

Safety Considerations and Precautions

Maca root is a safe supplement and should not cause any unpleasant effects when taken in moderate amounts. Those who suffer from thyroid-related issues should seek advice from an expert healthcare professional before consuming maca supplements. Taking this herb could lead to minor benefits such as reduced headaches or relief of abdominal discomfort. Yet caution should still remain since possible adverse reactions may occur during the process of taking Maca supplementation.

To recapitulate, Maca Root intake is safe for most people. Those with pre-existing conditions specifically related to thyroid function should take into considerations recommendations give by specialists to ensure no harm is done on your path towards an optimized life!


To wrap it up, maca root has become popular for its purported effects in improving sexual function, energy and mood. While scientific proof of these claims is good, still more research needs to be conducted before a definitive verdict can be issued. The use of maca root might also provide other health benefits such as alleviating symptoms in menopausal and postmenopausal women, increasing vigor levels and aiding skin-health.

It’s essential to acquire high quality products from reliable sources like Biogena Maca Energy when incorporating maca into your daily routine, optimal dosages are yet unknown but range somewhere between 1.5 – 3 grams per day usually depending on each individual case so consulting professional advice beforehand would yield best results without any side effects emerging during treatment progressions later on down the road. It’s crucial that consumers stay educated about this supplement, taking precautionary measures by first discussing it with their healthcare providers prior to utilizing (mac) them effectively or otherwise advantageously towards long-term satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is maca root proven to increase libido?

Maca root has been suggested to potentially increase libido in both genders. A study conducted in 2015 that looked into the impact of maca on 45 women found notable improvements when it came to sexual function and desire. Taking 3,000 mg per day for a period of 12 weeks was proven more effective than a placebo. Evidence supports claims about maca being an enhancer for libido levels compared to other supplements or treatments used as alternatives.

Does maca act like Viagra?

Maca, which has been used as a traditional remedy to boost libido and fertility, also reduces erectile dysfunction. There is scientific evidence that men who take maca experience increased sexual desire along with higher sperm count and motility. While Viagra treats impotence problems directly, it does not provide the same health benefits associated with maca such as elevated sexual drive. To improve semen quality.

How long does it take maca root to give you energy?

Consulting a doctor before taking any dietary supplement is encouraged. It’s safe to take up to 3 grams of Maca root daily. This herbal remedy usually starts providing energy benefits within the span of 2-6 weeks when taken consistently on a regular basis.

What is maca root, and where does it come from?

The Peruvian Andes are the home of Maca root, an old plant that has been utilized for millennia in order to increase libido and energy while simultaneously elevating one’s mood. This natural remedy contains energizing properties that have long proven to be beneficial when it comes to boosting overall wellbeing.

What are the potential benefits of maca root?

Maca root could be advantageous, potentially offering an increase in sexual desire, reduced sexual dysfunction, energy and mood, as well as providing advantages for brain health and the skin. To these benefits, it may also help lessen menopause symptoms.

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Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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