Push Day Workout With Team Fortius: Get Massive Chest and Shoulder Gains With Our Science-Based Gym Routine!
Muscle Building, Gym Training Milos Tanasic Muscle Building, Gym Training Milos Tanasic

Push Day Workout With Team Fortius: Get Massive Chest and Shoulder Gains With Our Science-Based Gym Routine!

Welcome to Push Day at Fortius Dubai! Push day is the day we focus on the chest and shoulder muscles; these are two of the most popular body parts that people target in their workouts. Push days are an excellent way to build strength, power, and size, and we'll be taking you through all the basics today so you can hit those gains.

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Muscle Soreness: What Is It and Is It Good or Bad for Progress in the Gym?
Education, Muscle Building Milos Tanasic Education, Muscle Building Milos Tanasic

Muscle Soreness: What Is It and Is It Good or Bad for Progress in the Gym?

Muscle soreness is a common occurrence after an intense workout. Many people love it as it gives them the feeling that they have had a productive session which will help them make serious gains in the gym. And this is true; however, there is a fine line between having sore muscles that will guarantee progress and having too much muscle soreness, which can hinder your progress.

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