34 Tips for Weight Loss That Actually Work

34 tips for weight loss that actually work

If you want to lose weight, you’re not alone. Millions of people in the Middle East and around the world are struggling with their weight and looking for ways to change it. If you're one of them, this article is for you! 

I will be sharing 34 basic tips for weight loss that actually work, and I promise that if you manage to adhere to at least 5 of them, you will see results!

You don't have to follow all of the tips because sometimes it's just not possible. Pick the ones that suit your daily life and start applying them today.

The 34 Weight Loss Tips:

  1. Don't skip breakfast

  2. Increase fiber intake

  3. Eat real, minimally processed foods

  4. Eat less processed sugars and refined oils

  5. Batch cook and prep your food

  6. Drink water throughout the day

  7. Avoid sugary drinks

  8. Drink coffee in moderation

  9. Cut down on alcohol

  10. Eat your meals slowly

  11. Take a walk after each meal

  12. Prioritize protein in every meal

  13. Don't waste your calories on liquids

  14. Eat enough food

  15. Drink green tea

  16. Calculate your basal metabolic rate

  17. Reduce eating out

  18. Try intermittent fasting

  19. Be aware of hidden sugars

  20. Use smaller plates

  21. Eat a salad before the main dish

  22. Consume 30 grams of protein 1-2 hours before bed

  23. Regulate your sleeping pattern and try to get at least 7 hours per night!

  24. Reduce stress

  25. Get active

  26. Make small changes instead of drastic ones

  27. Exercise first thing in the morning

  28. Train with weights

  29. Join a gym

  30. Hire a personal trainer

  31. Understand the process

  32. Give your best to stay consistent with your workouts

  33. Start taking supplements

  34. Be persistent on your journey to lose weight

1. Don’t skip breakfast

Don't skip breakfast

Eating a healthy, well-balanced breakfast jumpstarts your metabolism and helps to regulate insulin levels.

It also helps you to make better decisions for the rest of the day, when it comes to what you eat. I suggest that you stick to a protein and fat-rich breakfast and keep the carbs to a minimum unless you work out first thing in the morning.

I also do not recommend that you eat only fruit for breakfast. Make sure you don't avoid eggs and/or meat at all costs, haha!

I suggest all females hit at least 20-25 grams of high-quality protein and all males get in somewhere between 30-40 grams of protein as a minimum.

For calculating the protein amount you can use websites like Cronometer or MyFitnessPal.

2. Increase fiber intake

Increase fiber intake

Fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains are loaded with fiber which can help you feel full for longer periods of time. Fibrous foods also promote healthy bowel movements which is another benefit on its own. Unfortunately, in today's society, we have a lot of issues with constipation and if you go to google and search for tips on how to get rid of constipation naturally, you will get over 22 million results.

I would suggest that you add some more fiber-rich foods to your daily diet and decrease the amount of processed food and sugar which also tends to lead to constipation problems.

Some people might have issues digesting certain vegetables in that case try boiling them well or simply just remove those foods that cause you to feel bloated and gassy.

Also, try to eat the skin on your fruits whenever possible as it contains high concentrations of fiber.

3. Eat real, minimally processed food

Eat real minimally processed food

If you want to lose weight and improve your health, you need to make sure that you are eating whole foods. Those are the types of foods that are closest to their natural form, without any added sugar or chemicals. They are also usually more expensive than processed food but it is definitely worthwhile choosing them because they can help you lose weight while improving your overall health.

There is a saying that goes something like this, "If it does not grow in the ground or on top of a tree then it's probably fake!"

4. Eat less of the following foods

Eat less of the following foods

Processed sugar and refined oils are a terrible combination for you if you want to lose weight. All of the super tasty processed foods that we constantly crave are a combination of both of these ingredients.

I recommend trying to cut down on the following foods if you want to lose weight: cookies, cakes, ice cream, french fries, and other similar food products. A lot of these are convenient which is why they are so popular but in the long term, they can have a detrimental effect on your weight and health.

The issue with these foods is that they are highly addictive and as we can see in studies on brain scans, they stimulate the same pleasure centers as hard drugs. It's very hard to stop eating these types of foods, but if you want to lose weight then I would definitely advise trying to cut them out for a couple of weeks and see how you feel.

5. Batch cook and prep your food

Batch cook and prep your food

People that prep their food and have it handy are less likely to deviate from their diet. If we come to a situation where our stomach is empty we will most likely make the worst possible decision (I'm speaking from personal experience here!). If you want to stay on track with your diet, make sure that you prep food for the week beforehand and always have something healthy at hand, instead of letting hunger decide what you eat.

In his book "The Hungry Brain", neuroscientist Stephan J. Guyenet talks about the science behind why we eat too much and why it's so hard to lose weight.

He mentions two pathways in our brain that play a major role in how we decide to eat.

The first factor is the homeostatic pathway which reacts to signals of hunger and fullness from the gut and manages the amount of food that is eaten in order for energy levels to be maintained. The second factor is the hedonistic pathway which is more powerful and deals with motivation and reward.

The 2nd pathway is the more powerful one and will influence our decision before the 1st pathway has time to register its message.

This is why it can be so hard to lose weight when all of our decisions are being made automatically in an instant, without us even knowing about it!

So before the homeostatic pathway reacts and tells you that you don't need those delicious fried chicken wings, the hedonistic pathway will have you already digging in through the bucket.

This is why it's crucial to always have healthy food around you and never let yourself get too hungry because this will only make your cravings harder to control.

6.Drink water throughout the day

Drink water throughout the day

Make sure that you stay hydrated by drinking lots of water during the day. Water can also come in handy to suppress the feeling of hunger when you are trying to eat less food. I also recommend having a glass of water first thing in the morning and 5-10 minutes before your meals which will suppress the appetite a bit. I would suggest that you don't overdo the water late at night as it might interrupt your sleep pattern.

Water will help you flush out plenty of toxins within your body and will help you in case you are facing issues with constipation.

You should aim for somewhere between 2-3 liters of water daily on average.

7. Avoid sugary drinks

Avoid sugary drinks

Limiting your consumption of sodas, juices can help you significantly reduce the number of calories that you consume. I always suggest eating fruits because they will have more fibers than juices and will leave you feeling more satisfied! We used to say in my family, "One fruit a day, keeps the doctor away!"

Sugary drinks, like sodas, are very bad for your health and it is proven that drinking sweetened beverages can increase your risk of diabetes and cancer.

I suggest avoiding sodas completely, but if you can't manage without them, having a diet soda every once in a while might be the lesser evil!

8. Drink coffee in moderation

Drink coffee in moderation

Drinking coffee can suppress your appetite so it might be a good idea to have some in the morning to help you eat less. However, drinking too much coffee can also lead to many other negative effects, including an increased heart rate and insomnia.

I would suggest having 1-2 cups of coffee daily and not later than 3 pm, as caffeine remains active in the body for up to 6 hours.

When buying coffee, try to get organic coffee as it is not full of chemicals and pesticides that are usually found in regular coffee.

One of my favorite place in Dubai to get coffee is at RAW Coffee Company in Al Quoz!

9. Cut down on alcohol

Cut down on alcohol

Reducing alcohol is important because it is very high in "empty calories" and does not provide any benefits for your body. The liver metabolizes alcohol which becomes sugar that is then transformed into fat. This process also interferes with your normal metabolism and a healthy diet, further increasing the number of calories you take in.

Alcohol is also detrimental for your muscles as scientific data points out anything more than 1 drink per day is a risk factor for the loss of muscle mass.

In general, I would suggest having 1-2 drinks per week maximum and have them on days where you don't train.

10. Eat your meals slowly

Eat your meals slowly

It can take up to 20 minutes for your brain to be aware of the fact that you are full, so make sure that you enjoy every bite and do not rush. This way, you will eat less and improve your digestion as well!

If I see my clients eating their food too fast, that is when I know we need to fix their relationship with food.

11. Take a walk after each meal

Take a walk after each meal

This is such a basic, but powerful tip! A world-famous trainer, Stan Efferding, suggests that we walk at least 30 minutes after each meal as this is going to burn a ton of extra calories.

It's also great for your digestive system as it will help you properly digest the food and will help you increase your daily step count. This is one of the main reasons why people in the Middle East might struggle more with weight than people in other parts of the world, we only walk in the malls!

12. Prioritize protein in every meal

Prioritize protein in every meal

Protein is highly satiating and can help you get to your weight loss goals.

If you are the kind of person that struggles with hunger and snacks a lot then there is no better way of handling this than having something high in protein!

Also, if you want lean muscles, protein will be your best friend!

I always tell my clients if their meal does not have some protein source in it then it is a wasted meal, and I am not joking!

13. Don't waste your calories on liquids

Don't waste your calories on liquids

Studies have shown that people often underestimate the number of calories they consume in their drinks.

Also, if the calories are added sugars they can contribute to obesity and other chronic diseases like diabetes!

That is why I recommend trying to avoid any liquid with calories whenever you can. Water is our best friend when it comes to losing weight!

14. Eat enough food

Eat enough food

This is not an anti-weight loss tip but believe me, it will help you out during your weight loss journey!

The main issue people have while trying to lose weight is that they restrict their daily caloric intake too much and this leads to hunger, cravings, and binge eating.

Also, it is important to know that if you reduce your caloric intake automatically, your energy expenditure will reduce. This means that you will overall burn fewer calories per day which is something that we do not want to happen!

That's why my suggestion to most people is to increase activity rather than reduce calories whenever that is possible.

Make sure that your meals are satisfying.

People that tend to eat very small meals tend to be hungry all the time. That is not something you want when your goal is to lose weight.

You need to accept that hunger will happen sometimes, but if you are constantly feeling that way you will be more likely to give in and eat something you shouldn't. This will knock you off course and slow down your metabolism.

That's why having 2-3 really satisfying meals daily is, in my opinion, way better than 5-6 snacks.

Also, if we look at your insulin then spiking it 5-6 times daily might not be the best in the long run as it can lead to insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance basically means that the body needs higher and higher levels of insulin in order for it to have an effect. That can then lead to Diabetes.

15. Drink green tea

Drink green tea

Green tea has been connected with weight loss and improved brain function so if you struggle with feeling energetic during the day, I suggest trying some organic green tea from Frontier as it is a great natural source of caffeine and antioxidants!

Be careful to not overdo green tea because of its caffeine content and make sure to check the label because some green teas contain artificial sweeteners and other nasty ingredients.

16. Calculate your basal metabolic rate

Calculate your basal metabolic rate

By using this website link you can calculate your BMR which will allow you to know the total calories that you need per day, even if all you did was lay down on the bed all day!

That's why I recommend people to use these apps, especially when they are just starting out, so they can get a more clear picture of how much food you can actually consume.

Most people would be shocked with the amount of food they can actually eat and lose weight if that food comes from healthy sources!

I know it might be time-consuming, but trust me you can save yourself so much time, in the long run, getting results way faster than guessing the number of calories you consume.

17. Reduce eating out

Reduce eating out

Even if you order clean food you will never know the number of calories you consume. They can easily put a tablespoon of butter in your rice or soup and you would never know since you do not see it.

So try and reduce eating out as much as you can because this will help you lose weight faster!

18. Try intermittent fasting

Try intermittent fasting

For some people it works, for some, it doesn't. There is no magic around it, but it is effective because it reduces your eating window which makes it easier for you to lose weight.

I would suggest trying it out a couple of days per week and see what happens. You can fast for 16 up to 24 hours or more.

I would also advise you to take it one step at a time and see how your body reacts to it.

If you are a beginner, then I suggest not fasting too often because it could be quite overwhelming!

Intermittent fasting might also increase longevity and reduce the risk of cancer and Alzheimer's which is pretty cool, right?

19. Be aware of hidden sugars

Be aware of hidden sugars

I know that most people think they only eat healthy food, but the truth is that even some protein bars have added sugar which can make them less healthy than they look.

It is important to read the nutrition labels. That is the only way you will know how much sugar is in your food. I have seen many clients get frustrated at the beginning of their journey because of their slow weight loss progress. Turns out that they were eating way too much added sugar!

Once we cleaned their diets and replaced "healthy snacks" with real healthy food, they saw results pretty fast.

20. Use smaller plates

Use smaller plates

This is one of the tips that will make your life easier when having trouble with portion control or not being able to stop eating.

You can trick your mind by using smaller plates and bowls which will help you feel more satisfied after your meal. If the plate is small and even if you end up filling it up twice it might not be such a disaster!

21. Eat a salad before the main dish

Eat a salad

This is one of those tips that was told for years. It has been recently researched by scientists who have shown that people tend to have fewer calories when they eat a small salad before their main dish.

I suggest eating a salad that is rich in greens and vegetables because those are the healthiest choice!

The reason this tip works is that your brain takes around 15 minutes to know whether you're full or not, so if you eat fiber-rich food like vegetables and fruits first, you'll give your brain some time before you dig into some delicious spring rolls or burger patties!

22. Consume 30 grams of protein 1-2 hours before bed

Consume 30 grams of protein 1-2 hours before bed

I always suggest people eat some form of protein before going to sleep as it can help prevent muscle loss while you are sleeping, thus helping you burn more calories even while resting. Make sure that this is not a high-fat meal though as it can put pressure on your digestive system.

I find Casein which is a protein derived from milk particularly effective as it takes up to 7 hours to digest which means that it'll be slowly released over that period of time.

23. Regulate your sleeping pattern and try to get at least 7 hours per night!

Regulate your sleeping pattern and try to get at least 7 hours per night

People that have regular sleeping patterns are more likely to have more balanced hormones and fewer cravings throughout the day. Their energy levels will also be better, so if you want to create an ideal environment for your weight loss process, try and sleep and wake up at the same time.

People that sleep less than 6 hours per night tend to be more sensitive to rewards compared with those that sleep more than 6 hours.

This means that they are more likely to choose unhealthy foods over healthy ones, which will greatly increase their weight in the long term.

Another thing to mention is that people that sleep less have a greater chance of becoming obese. The important health measure BMI (Body Mass Index) which represents height to weight ratio, clearly shows that this is the case.

Also bear in mind that data shows that people who tend to sleep longer than 9 hours are usually heavier than those that sleep 7-9 hours per night.

That's why it is so important to find that sweet spot, and a great tool that you can utilize to track your sleep is called Whoop, a device that will track your sleep and help you improve it. To find out more check their website.

24. Reduce stress

Reduce stress

Work and life stress can become detrimental to our health and can keep us away from achieving our weight loss goals.

People that are stressed on daily basis will have elevated levels of cortisol in their blood which can make them store more fat around their waistline.

Now I know it is hard to control it, but as with everything, practice makes perfect so start from what you can change and see how far that will take you!

Something that few of my clients have tried and benefited from is Sound Healing which is a form of therapy that uses sound and music to reduce stress and help you relax.

25. Get active

Get active

Being active will not only help you burn extra calories throughout the day, but will also reinforce healthier habits which will make you more likely to continue with them in the long run. I also recommend doing some form of exercise 3-4 times per week, working your whole body; this not only helps burn extra calories but also strengthens your muscles and makes you feel better about yourself.

Nowadays there are endless options out there to choose from! You can get amazing workout programs at a very low price, subscribe to apps, or hire a personal trainer if it fits your budget.

However, if you are someone who is not into fitness then my favorite tip for you would be to simply take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can, park your car in the farthest spot possible in the parking lot, or clean up your home when watching TV. There are countless tips like these that require very little time and effort but will help you burn extra calories throughout the day.   

26. Make small changes instead of drastic ones

Make small changes instead of drastic ones

You can not become perfect overnight so give yourself time and make minor changes that you can follow through.

Once you have accomplished something, it will give you more confidence in taking on tougher challenges.

For instance, if you told me to completely remove sugar at night, I would fail within two days! There are some things that I can do and some that I can, and that is completely fine as long as you are improving yourself every day.

27. Exercise first thing in the morning

Exercise first thing in the morning

Starting your day with a workout is an excellent way to get your metabolism going and make sure that you will burn calories throughout the day. Also, exercising in the morning will help you stay on track as you are not going to want to put all that hard work go to waste by eating junk food.

Also, we can see from data that people who train in the morning are much less likely to skip a workout. Even if they have a particularly busy day, they will dedicate the time to the gym so this makes morning exercises even more effective.

Even if I look at the statistics that we have in our own company, Fortius Dubai, we can clearly see those morning clients miss their sessions less rarely than those training after work.

28. Train with weights

Train with weights

Having some form of resistance training in your schedule can help you lose weight faster! The more muscle you carry around, the more calories you will burn throughout the day! If you want to lose weight quickly, I suggest that you start doing some resistance training like lifting weights at least 2-3 times per week.

The scientific consensus is that weight training benefits your metabolism more than aerobic training as it is so much more challenging and the body has to turn on all its resources in order to complete such a task.

That's why I tell my clients if you don't have time for both resistance training and cardio prioritize your resistance training as it is going to give you the best results.

29. Join a Gym

Join a Gym

Joining a gym can be great because you will be surrounded by people that might inspire you to work harder!

It is a great place to exercise as you will have access to so many types of equipment and meet people with similar goals as yours.

And if it gets too hard you can sign up for a personal trainer at the gym so they can help you reach those goals faster!

I am lucky to be working at one of the biggest and best-equipped gyms in Dubai called Train Strength and Fitness so I suggest you drop by and say hi as soon as you can! You can find out more on their website.

30. Hire a Personal Trainer

Hire a personal trainer

A study from 2014 showed that people that trained under supervision, made more progress than those who did it on their own.

Having a personal trainer will make you more accountable and will help you stay on track with your goals.

You can also have a look at what we at Fortius Dubai have to offer in terms of packages and you can see some of our client's weight loss transformations.

31. Stay consistent with your workouts

Stay consistent with your workouts

Consistency in training is one thing that most people struggle with. Long-term consistency will allow you to indulge in your favorite foods more often!

So make sure to try and exercise at least 3-4 times per week. I know that many people work long hours, but you will definitely see the benefits of training even if it is for 30 minutes!

You can start today but subscribe to our FREE FITNESS APP! With Fortius Fit you will be able to get in an amazing workout every single day and be one step closer to an amazing body transformation!

32. Understand the Process

Understand the Process

Taking part in the process is crucial but learning about how the process work might be crucial for the end result!

People that learn that the scale weight fluctuates due to changes in bodily fluids, people that understand that carbs retain more water which does not mean that you gained fat, and people that understand that weight loss is never linear will all have a much higher chance to succeed.

For people that like to learn more about the process and tips on what they can do to benefit from weight loss, I suggest signing up for our blog and following our Instagram page!

33. Start taking supplements

Start taking supplements

I do not think that supplements are really necessary when it comes to weight loss, but if you cannot get enough protein in, you might benefit a lot from protein shakes.

I recommend using unsweetened shakes and adding some fruit to them as we still do not know the effects artificial sweeteners have on our gut and brain!

Also, if you struggle with energy during the day, then taking a multivitamin would definitely help!

There are many supplements that can help you sleep better and recover faster which can support your weight loss journey but I will write about those in more detail in our future articles. So make sure to check them out!

34. Be persistent on your journey to lose weight

Be persistent on your journey to lose weight

Usually weight gain is a long process so why would weight loss occur overnight?

It is crucial for you to understand that your body became used to your current weight and any attempt to change it overnight is futile. That is why you need to remember that all good things take time and if the occasional slip-up occurs, you are not defeated! Pick yourself up and keep going!

Thank you for reading this article, I hope you enjoyed it.

As always if you have any tips of your own, suggestions on future articles, or just want to say hi, please feel free to click the contact page or share in the comments below! 

See you soon!

Stay Strong #BeFortius

Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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