Personal Trainer Dubai: Why You're Not Seeing Results On Your Fitness Journey (and What To Do)

Dubai Personal Training - Trainer and Client in a Gym Setting

In a city like Dubai, having a personal trainer is not considered a luxury but a basic need many can afford. Personal training services can cost anywhere from 25 dollars per hour to 300 or more per personal training session. Personal trainers are plenty, so you can always find someone who can fit your budget, desired location, and schedule. With many state-of-the-art gym facilities like Train Strength and Fitness, Seven, or Top Gym, to name a few, and easy access to personal training sessions at affordable prices, it seems like Dubai is the perfect place to get fit and thrive on a healthier lifestyle! So why, with all these resources readily available, do so many of Dubai's ambitious professionals find reaching and maintaining their fitness goals such a challenge? In this blog, we'll dive deep into some of the potential reasons and the solutions that go beyond just workouts!

Why Your Dubai PT Might Be Failing You

The "Affordable" Trap

The wide price range for personal training services in Dubai can make people focus more on cost over value. Personal trainers who are successful at their jobs and have plenty of proof of success will be priced higher than their counterparts. They might also be more likely to work with fewer individuals, therefore being able to give you more attention on your fitness journey! I am not saying that the best personal trainers are the most expensive. Still, I can guarantee a high correlation between price and quality of service, specifically in this field!

Generic Programs

When it comes to programming from one individual to another, the main difference does not boil down to a vastly different exercise selection, rep range, and training intensity. However, there is a difference in that aspect, too. The main difference, though, is understanding that people have different psychological profiles requiring a different approach, which is something that trainers with Bachelor's Degrees study in their classes related to Psychology and Sports Psychology.

Missing the Big Picture

Instead of focusing on cost per hour, focus on the results you are getting within a given time frame as well as the value outside of the training session, which is related to nutrition guidance, stress management, sleep, and supplement education, which are all crucial for long-lasting success on your fitness journey!

12 Week Personal Fitness Program - Clients Before and After Photos

The Lost Client

Unrealistic Expectations

Many personal training clients underestimate the consistency and effort required to lose weight and build muscle and think hiring a trainer is enough. Even if you hire world-class trainers, they can only guide you on your journey while you are putting in the work needed for long-lasting changes! To put it plainly there are no quick fixes in fitness!

Lack of Accountability

Dubai's social scene is vibrant, and following a meal plan while committing to a regular exercise routine can be challenging. Many trainees fail to adhere to their plans and are distracted by too many things, pushing them further away from their goals.

Dishonesty (With Self & Trainer)

Frequently, clients downplay their eating/drinking habits, miss their daily step targets, and do not report this to the trainer. This makes a successful body transformation program ineffective, as losing weight becomes almost impossible if too many calories are unaccounted for! That's why it is crucial to share all setbacks with the coach so that you, as the client, can get sound advice on nutrition and effective workout routines that will minimize the damage done and put you back on the right path towards your fitness goals!

The "Simplification" Solution

Finding the RIGHT personal trainers in Dubai

Perhaps the most important thing when looking for a trainer is checking if they have helped individuals in a similar position as you at the start of their fitness journey. You should look for proof of success, client testimonials, and before and after photos! Also, ensure the trainer has gained extensive knowledge through high school and university degrees and courses. For more information about finding the right trainer, click here! (SANNA, PLEASE LINK our LATEST blog to their word HERE)

Education is Key

A good PT isn't just there to tell someone what to do but to explain the WHY behind it. This helps clients gain confidence in their ability to manage their nutrition and training program on their own.

Want to know what it takes to become the best personal trainer in Dubai?

Investing in Transformation

You might want to pay less for your body transformation program, but that can often put you in a position where you spin your wheels indefinitely. A reputable personal training business will be priced higher. Still, it is more likely to bring you the results you expect within a reasonable time and, as mentioned above, can equip you with the knowledge and tools to pursue your fitness journey on your own!

Personal Training Services at Fortius Dubai

Fortius Dubai boasts a proven track record of successful transformations, solidifying its position at the top of Dubai Fitness industry offering a fantastic personal training experience. Our competitive pricing makes achieving your goals an intelligent and accessible investment!

For proof of success, please check out clients success stories:

Body Transformation with Fortius Dubai Personal Trainers
Body Transformation with Fortius Dubai Personal Trainers

To find out how we can help you on your fitness journey, we are offering a FREE consultation!

To find out more about our services, check out:

To learn more about all things training and nutrition, check out our science-based blog!

Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle Blog
Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Personal Trainer in Dubai (and Why Fortius Dubai is Your Best Option)