Main Reasons Why You Are Not Starting Your Fitness Program

Main reasons why exercise is not a part of your daily routine!

Getting fit is not easy, and often, people find themselves stuck in a rut and need help to make the initial steps toward taking action. Most of us want to be more active, take better care of our bodies, experience better health, have higher energy levels, and look beach ready. However, taking that first step is the hardest part for many. Let's dive deeper into what might prevent you from heading to the gym, starting a workout program, or hiring a personal trainer.

You had a bad experience with a personal trainer in the past.

Common reasons why you are not getting back to exercise!

That is often a prominent cause for people not to start their fitness program again. They need to trust that they can do it independently and have had a terrible experience with a fitness professional. It might have been a personal trainer who was too pushy and did not care about your fitness goals or physical limitations, or it could be that you felt embarrassed by their comments, or they made you feel bad about yourself. No matter what happened in the past, remember that there are many fitness professionals now, and as in any profession, you will have bad, good, and great ones! To find out how you can find the best possible trainer for your self read my blog:"How to find a great personal trainer in Dubai".

You failed a couple of times when trying to reach your fitness goals.

That is a prevalent cause as well. You should know that failing is okay if you do not quit. Every person who has ever become great at something had to fail and fail frequently, and that journey of failure made them successful in the end! So keep your head high and know that failure is not a failure until you give up on your dreams.

You need to know what is required from you to lose weight or accomplish any other objectives related to health and fitness.

Not knowing what to do is one of the biggest barriers preventing progress in the gym

Knowing that you need to change is often not enough. That's why talking to a fitness professional and establishing your objectives is crucial. Once you have done that, your personal trainer can tell you precisely what needs to be done to accomplish your weight loss, muscle building, or performance goals. Most fitness companies offer a FREE consultation, which is also the case at Fortius Dubai, so do not hesitate to book yours with us today!

You are worried about the expenses related to fitness programs.

Main reasons why people avoid talking to a personal trainer in Dubai!

Frequently people do not seek workout plans or personal trainers simply because they think they are way out of their budget; however, in any competitive market, there will be service providers that will fit your specific financial capabilities. Often, people do not start because they believe they need to pay a coach for a prolonged period to build muscle, lose weight and achieve whatever fitness goal they might have. And if you add that they have already spent money on an expensive gym membership or trainer without seeing results, it becomes difficult to take that step again. That's why at Fortius Dubai, we have a unique program we offer that takes people through a weekly exercise program with a personal trainer where the objectives are:

  • Goal setting - setting attainable goals that are both short and long-term.

  • Physical fitness education - creating a workout routine and teaching correct exercise execution to safely get in a good workout.

  • Nutrition education - teaching basic skills to help you evaluate your caloric needs and the best macronutrient split to meet your goal-specific needs.

  • Psychological evaluation and education - finding the right exercise motivation to sustain your workout routine and dieting efforts!

You commit to 5 hours of working with us and receive all the education and skills to manage your physical activity and nutrition independently. To learn more about this service, book your free consultation with us. For booking, click here!

You have a busy schedule and need help to commit to an exercise program.

Sometimes people view regular exercise as an additional obligation to an already packed schedule, and it is, to some extent, understandable, however inactivity, high stress, and poor diet most times lead to health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, which make your ability to manage everyday activities difficult. Due to poor health, you frequently have higher insurance costs and must allocate more of your salary to medical expenses. So find time to do a time-saving at-home workout 2-3 times per week or hit the nearest gym and clean your diet, as it will benefit you in ways you never thought it was. A more active lifestyle will positively affect your family life, performance at work, mood, and energy levels. Most high-performing individuals have achieved exceptional results with our personal trainers with as little as 2 to 3 weekly workouts. Click here to read about Joey's 10 week body transformation story!

You don't like lifting weights, doing cardio, or doing both activities.

swimming Dubai a great fitness routine!

With fitness and exercise, there are many different ways to achieve your fitness goals and stay healthy. Some people dislike almost any type of physical activity, which is not great but do not worry, you can still enjoy fitness by finding activities you like. You can play sports such as tennis, soccer or basketball, do yoga or Pilates, swim or rock climbing. The trick is to find something that makes fitness fun and something you enjoy. Once you have found the activity that suits your fitness needs, it will be easier to stick with it.

Important note: Once you start seeing physical results and seeing your health improve, that will create the motivation and passion for training that you thought you never had. The key is to stick to the weight training program and do some form of cardio, which can be any of the cardio machines or a spin class. Once your body adjusts and you create a habit, you will miss your routine if you don't attend a session for a few days.

You don't believe in yourself and your capabilities.

That can be seen with pretty much anyone, but especially with teenagers, overweight individuals, and dads and moms once they start having kids. Low self-confidence can keep you down and prevent you from taking the necessary steps to improve your daily life through strength training and other forms of exercise. However, if you make that push and find free time to focus on your body, you will see how your everyday life will transform with more movement. It's not easy to battle negative thoughts, trust me. I have had and still have plenty of struggles regarding self-belief, but it has never prevented me from pushing forwards. Even more importantly, I have never regretted making exercise an integral part of my life.

You feel overwhelmed and discouraged by the fitness industry's lookism standards.

One of the main reasons most people do not start their fitness program

"Everyone has a beach body physique except me!" - social media has made it look that way; however, the actual situation is entirely different, with a staggering 70% of people in the US being overweight or obese. So keep in mind that you are not alone. Fitness allows you to make healthy choices and push your body to the limits; however, it does not mean a fitness model figure is necessary for everyone. It all comes down to personal preference and making fitness part of your daily life which will eventually result in an improved fitness level and healthier lifestyle. Remember, the objective is to become the best version of yourself and not compete with others!

You have a victim mentality, blaming others or situations instead of taking responsibility for your actions and decisions.

At this present moment, when you are reading this, your most significant barrier is YOU! This one is widespread in today's society, filled with adult babies that prefer to blame others or make excuses instead of taking responsibility for their health and fitness. By this, I do not want to say that your parents and different circumstances did not impact your health and physique, but that's now in the past! So forget about what was and focus on what you can do in the days, weeks, and years to come and please remember, my best intention here is to motivate as many people as I possibly can to take their health and fitness in their own hands and work towards becoming a better version of themselves.


With this article, we hope you will realize why people don't start their fitness program and how important it is to control and work on your fitness goals. I also understand how difficult it can be to start, but with the right personal trainer, fitness program, and motivation, you can set yourself up to achieve all your fitness goals.

As the Head Coach at Fortius Dubai, I can guarantee that we have the expertise and passion to help you progress your fitness journey! Our trainers are highly qualified fitness professionals with years of experience in the fitness industry that will provide you with the guidance and motivation necessary for SUCCESS!

Personal Trainers Dubai - Client Results

We focus on one-on-one personal and online training sessions and occasionally set up signature group classes. We also offer nutrition coaching for people that want to improve their relationship with food or have a goal oriented nutrition plan and education done for them.

Please don't waste any more time and take the first step by booking your FREE consultation with us!

To learn more about all things training and nutrition, check out some of our science-based blogs:

  • All you need to know about protein - link

  • How to lose fat the right way - link

  • Guide to finding the right coach for you - link

  • Top 10 gyms in Dubai - link

  • Guide for men on how to build muscle - link

  • How to achieve a body transformation - link

  • I don't eat anything; why am I not losing weight - link

  • Guide for mean on how to build muscle - link

  • What is a bespoke online program? - link

  • Tips for parents to encourage physical activity with kids - link

  • Find out more about online personal training benefits - link

  • Women's workout guide with fitness tips - link

  • Best fitness facility in Dubai - link

  • Other blogs - link

Stay Strong


Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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