Legs Workout For Massive Gains: Exercise Videos & Instructions That Will Optimize Your Lower Bdoy Development!

Leg Workout for Big Quads and Glutes

Legs are the foundation on which we build everything else in our body! A physique will never look complete if you have skinny legs, and an effective leg workout can do wonders, even for hard gainers! The best way to maximize gains is through targeted exercises focusing on the growth and development of your main muscle groups (quads, glutes, hamstring, and calves).

This blog will discuss a gym workout routine tailored to grow massive quads and glutes! Two essential things you should note before you continue to read this blog are that the exercise selection presented in this workout might not be the best one for your specific biomechanics and that there is no best exercise for growing legs, or perhaps it is better to say that the best exercises for growing legs are the ones that allow you to do them correctly and apply as much mechanical tension as possible on the working muscle!

Mechanical tension definition

Mechanical tension represents the load you put on your target muscle group while performing the exercise. It is one of the main ways to induce muscle growth, and it should be maximized if your goal is to increase size.

Gym leg workout routine

Leg Day Workout Routine
  1. Barbell Back Squat 4x6-8

  2. Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8-12

  3. Hack Squat 3x10-12

  4. Leg Extension 3x12-15

Barbell Squat

Main characteristics:

  • Compound movement

  • Target Muscles: quads and gluts

  • Objective: maximizing mechanical tension in the 6-8 rep range (max muscle growth while also stimulating strength gains)

The first exercise we will cover is the barbell squat. This compound exercise works multiple muscle groups, including your upper and lower back musculature and core. However, the main muscles targeted with this exercise are your quads and glutes!

The tension is generated when muscles (in this case, your legs) are contracted against resistance which is the barbell and the weights on the barbell. This type of stimulus is what you need in your leg workout if you want to grow muscle tissue.

It is crucial that you can execute the exercise correctly so that you can bring yourself close to muscle failure.

Important note: If after a set of squats, all you can feel is your lower back and knees, then you need to revisit your form, attempt to fix it, or replace the exercise with a movement like a leg press machine which can elicit an excellent muscle growth response but be much easier in terms of technicalities.


  • Inhale and brace before you start the descend

  • Hold the air throughout the movements

  • Drive the bar into your back and keep a tight back throughout the movement

Pro Tip: 

  • Elevate your heels if you lack mobility in your ankle and hip joint, as it will allow you to go deeper into the squat and get a better quadriceps muscle stimulus while keeping less tension on your lower back.

Bulgarian Split Squat

Main characteristics: 

  • Compound movement

  • Target muscles: quads and gluts

  • Unilateral movement (requires balancing and engages the core)

  • Objective: maximizing mechanical tension in the 8-12 rep range (max hypertrophy gains)

People love to skip single-leg movements like Bulgarian split squats or lunges simply because they require a lot of effort and focus.

However, the rewards are enormous, and if you have mastered the technique, it is worth your time to include them in your gym workout routine.

The Bulgarian Split squat targets both legs individually, and due to its unilateral nature, it improves balance and stability while growing your lower body musculature. If your objective is also to improve performance, you need a strong gluteus maximus muscle, and there is no better exercise than the split squat to stimulate it!


  • Start from a comfortable distance from the bench, and make sure your back foot is elevated on it.

  • Focus on keeping your back neutral while you lean forward slightly in your hips. Inhale and brace before you start the descent.

  • Hold the air throughout the movement and exhale once you are halfway up.

Common mistake:

  • People worry that their knees should not pass over their toes; however, that is entirely incorrect. The more flexion you get in the knee joint, the greater the range of motion and more stimulus to the quadriceps muscles

Hack Squat


  • Most people hate it (try it, and you will find out why)

  • Compound movement

  • Target muscles: quads and glutes

  • Objective: maximizing mechanical tension in the 8-15 rep range (maximizing muscle growth)

The Hack Squat is definitely in the top 3 best leg exercises for building muscle and getting bigger legs! When done with proper form, it is a safe movement that allows you to get in quality reps under constant tension and take your body closer to failure than what you might be willing to do in the barbell squat simply due to safety reasons.

Unlike the squat, the Hack squat requires less low back involvement and allows you to bring your quads to the point of failure.


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with toes straight or slightly pointed out.

  • Allow your knees to follow the tips of your toes (take into consideration your ankle and hip mobility and adjust accordingly)

  • Inhale at the top and hold your breath until you are halfway past the way up, then exhale.

  • Do not allow your hips to move from the pad, and make sure there is no hip flexion during the movement.

  • Maintain a strong arch in your feet during all squatting movements.

Pro Tip:

  • The lower you position your feet on the foot pad, the more knee flexion you will get, creating more tension on the quad muscle fibers.

  • Maintain a strong arch during all squatting movements. When the arch collapses, the knees go in, and the glutes switch off, leading to all kinds of trouble!

Common mistake:

  • Gymgoers frequently make the same mistake when they limit their range simply by not driving the knees outwards during the descent. That creates a barrier for the hips as they do not have space to go down. Feel free to move your knees out under control and let your hips drop down, almost like you want your glutes to touch your heel.

Common misconception:

  • Positioning your foot in a specific way will not allow you to grow a particular part of your quad more efficiently, and even if it does slightly contribute, you are much better at finding the most vital position that allows you the most range of motion and then working on progressing the load throughout your training program.

Leg Extensions


  • Isolation exercise

  • Required for maximizing quad hypertrophy

  • Target muscle: quadriceps femoris

  • Objective: maximizing mechanical tension in the 10-15 rep range

You should include leg extensions to get the most out of your leg workouts. Studies have shown that you should consist of compounds and isolation movement to maximize your quad growth. Click here to read more!

Exercise execution: 

  • Inhale, brace, and pull yourself into the seat before you execute the movement

  • Exhale during the eccentric portion of the movement and inhale again once you are back to starting position

Make sure the following exercises are a part of your other leg workouts

Leg Press

Leg Exercises - Leg Press

The leg press is a compound movement that can often elicit a greater muscle growth response simply because it can allow you to load your quadriceps muscle better than the squat. Most beginner and intermediate gym goers do not know how to adjust the squat rack, remove the bar safely, perform the exercise in a way that creates constant tension on the working muscles, and, most importantly, handle a weight that can cause a decent amount of mechanical tension. It is also important to note that when doing the squat vs. leg press rarely, you will be able to take the squat to actual failure simply due to fear of not being able to lift the weight up.

Lying Leg Curl Machine

Lying leg curls - Leg Workout Routine

Lying leg curls target your hamstring musculature and are a safe and effective exercise to perform when it comes to targeting your hamstrings. The leg curl can be done in all sorts of rep ranges and is a highly recommended exercise for developing strong, powerful legs.

Hip Thrust

Best Leg Workout Routine - Hip Thrust

The hip thrust is excellent for targeting the glutes in their fully shortened position. It will give you a tremendous burning sensation and a solid growth stimulus and is best paired with the leg press, barbell squat, or Bulgarian Split squat to get the best stimulus for developing strong and rounded gluts.

RDL - Stiff Leg Deadlift

Leg Workout Routine - Romanian Deadlift

RDLs represent one of my favorite compound exercises for developing a strong posterior chain. It targets the lower body muscles, hamstring, glutes, and upper body muscles like spinal erectors, lats, and traps.

Standing and Seated Calf Raise

Lower Body Exercises - Calf Raises

Calf raises are a great way to build up your calves and can be done standing or seated. For the calf raise to be effective, you must ensure proper form, which means doing the movement controlled and through a full range of motion.

The Science Behind Training Legs For Hypertrophy

Training your legs with heavy compound movements will create mechanical tension in the muscle, which is necessary for a muscle to grow. Studies have also shown that progressive overload, eating in a calorie surplus, and having enough rest will all lead to increased levels of hypertrophy. In terms of muscle damage, it has to happen, but the recovery should be sufficient to progress your workouts over time. Click here to learn more about lower body training and another FREE leg workout routine!

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Tips that help build muscle and grow bigger legs

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Want to learn more about fitness and nutrition?

  • All you need to know about protein - link

  • How to lose fat the right way - link

  • Guide to finding the right coach for you - link

  • Top 10 gyms in Dubai - link

  • Guide for men on how to build muscle - link

  • How to achieve a body transformation - link

  • I don't eat anything; why am I not losing weight - link

  • Guide for mean on how to build muscle - link

  • Other blogs - link


To wrap up, we’ve discussed some exercises you can incorporate into your leg workouts for growing massive legs. The exercises we’ve discussed are: Barbell Squat, Bulgarian Split Squat, Hack Squat, Leg Extension, Leg Press, Lying Legs Curl Machine, Hip Thrust, and RDL - Stiff Legs Deadlift. It is important to find exercises that match your biomechanics correctly, and if an exercise does not feel right, do not be afraid to replace it with an alternative exercise. Additionally, we discussed the science behind training legs for hypertrophy and how progressive overload, eating in a calorie surplus and having enough rest will all lead to increased levels of hypertrophy. We hope this blog will help you build massive legs!

Good luck on your journey!

Stay Strong


Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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