Become the Best Version of Yourself: A Guide for Men That Want to Live Their Best Life!

Male Guide for Improving Everyday Life

Have you noticed how many men around you, perhaps even you, struggle with basic things like being able to sleep, not having a belly, sticking to a schedule, not being afraid of taking on a challenge, learning a new skill, and many other things that should be relatively easy?

So what does it take to become the best version of yourself? How do you achieve emotional balance, high self-confidence, self-love, and the will of steel that never bends, no matter how hard things become?

Well, I can say with confidence that it does not happen overnight. I struggled with negative thoughts, depression, low self-confidence, and fear of new things!

Growing up as a child, I had the best parents. Everything was taken care of, and my only obligation was to have excellent grades in school and attend football sessions. Every time I look at my kids, I know that no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to express the same love and devotion to them as my parents did to me! So despite having a great upbringing, being successful in school, and being somewhat successful in football, I was often unhappy.

However, after years of emotional ups and downs and many insecurities, I learned that progress is made only by accepting challenges and overcoming difficulties; without them, there is no progress. I also learned how to accept that I will not always be my best self and that what matters is the work being put toward improving myself! I also learned that on my journey to become a better version of myself, It is much better to be the shark than the prey!

I realized that being in a position of power and being able to make decisions for myself and my family was an important element that allowed me to move one step closer to becoming my best self!

The journey for self-improvement is long and challenging, but there are certain things you can do to become a better version of yourself faster. In this blog post, I will provide some guidelines and tips on becoming the best version of yourself.

Personal growth comes through hardship!

What do I mean by this? If you are sitting in your comfort zone, you will never become the best version of yourself. Achieving goals requires effort and hard work, but it will be worth it in the end! You have to understand that success does not come with ease.

You need to become comfortable with the uncomfortable and accept new challenges frequently. Each challenge you overcome will help you grow and give you more power! It will help you awaken the alpha spirit that resides in all of us but is often tucked in somewhere deep that we have forgotten who we were meant to be!

Invest in your self-improvement!

It is as simple as that the whole point of growth is investing in yourself, your skills, your body, and your mind. You can only grow if you spend! You need to look after yourself and become your priority regarding investment! It may come as a shock initially because you are used to living frugally, but once you start investing time and money in yourself, you will see the change.

Take care of yourself: physical and mental health!

Become your best self list!

Taking care of your body is crucial to becoming the best version of yourself. When it comes to physical health, nutrition and training are essential. With a proper lifestyle that provides optimal health, you will perform better in every aspect of life. Being in good shape will also uplift your self-confidence and allow you to become a much more confident version of yourself.

Resistance Training

Hit the gym 3-4 times weekly, hire a professional, and commit to a schedule. Lifting some steel will help you become a real man, and I will quote Socrates here: "It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

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Martial Arts

Learn how to defend yourself and how to hit back! Learning combat sports will strengthen you and help you build your self-confidence. It is also a great way to release stress! I hope you never need it but imagine the feeling when you know that you could flip your boss on his butt in two moves.

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Mental Health

Mental health is just as crucial to achieving the best version of yourself. Meditation can be beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety and increasing focus. Exercise releases endorphins that make us feel better about ourselves and lift our moods. You should also apply positive self-talk. I found positive self-talk to be extremely useful for battling negative thoughts.

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It's no secret that sleep is an essential factor for physical, mental, and emotional functioning. During the night, our body repairs itself from the wear and tear of daily activities. When we don't get enough sleep, our performance and quality of life suffer. Most men sleep less than 6 hours per night, which is detrimental to their minds and body. You should not wake up soft like a butter croissant, trust me! If that happens frequently, you got some issues you have to fix ASAP!

Sleeping only five or fewer hours per night puts you at a high risk of early-onset dementia, decreased libido, and a weakened immune system. Therefore, get at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night!

Do your blood work!

You want to be optimized, but you are too cheap to invest in a blood test twice yearly? That kind of approach will only get you somewhere in life. Optimize yourself, and you will thrive, and not just you but everyone around you will be uplifted by the high-energy spirit you will carry without you everywhere! Remember, YOU are the most valuable asset!

Most men have low testosterone levels due to poor lifestyle choices, so test those every few months. Once you have fixed your training, nutrition, and sleep, your numbers will improve; however, if they are still low despite all your efforts, you can look into testosterone optimization therapy (TRT), as low testosterone levels have been linked with low energy, brain fog, depression, and weight gain.

Work–Rest balance

A balanced work-rest life schedule is the key to becoming the best version of yourself. It would help if you did not become a slave of your daily routine, do some fun things, and break the habit occasionally! If you want to launch software, build a brand or get a six-pack, you will have to grind for a while, forget about fun and games, get the job done, and then treat yourself as a king! It is not the thrill of buying a Rolex or a Porsche that fuels me but, instead, having the opportunity to do so.

Spend time with people more successful than you!

One important way to grow is to be surrounded by more successful people than you. That will push you to work harder on yourself and help you gather vital information regarding various aspects of life.

If you are an entrepreneur, learn from other successful entrepreneurs! If you are a bodybuilder, learn from the best bodybuilders in the world!

You become like the people surrounding you, so choose your friends wisely.

Hire experts!

Accept that your capabilities are limited. You can excel in specific fields by hiring experts in the area you are struggling with. That can be done for nutrition, fitness training, or anything essential to become the best version of yourself! You have to accept that you can be an expert coder, but perhaps you need to learn about stocks, have mastered crypto, don't even know what biomechanics means, or think avocado is a protein. Instead of wasting time and energy doing something poorly, work with the best, and trust me, you will never regret those choices!

Embrace failure

You can't win if you never fail. Accepting failure as something that will help your personal development will get you into that growth mindset that will lead to success. Realize that failure is part of the journey to become the best version of yourself; if it were easy, everyone would do it.

Get rid of limiting beliefs!

Cash is not inherently good or bad, and people with money are okay. Just because they have been able to prosper and make money does not make them automatically bad. Their actions define whether they are good or bad, not just cash per se. In my surrounding, it has frequently been insinuated that wealth is bad and those with money are evil. Those are limiting beliefs; eliminating them is the only way to improve! Yes, you can be successful and still be a good person. You are not good if you are poor; nothing is virtuous in remaining weak and needy. However, it is moral if you successfully impact hundreds of lives and ultimately make decisions on your own for the sake of yourself and your family without anyone influencing you or pushing you into doing something you do not want to do!

Accept challenges

If you want to become the best version of yourself, you must be willing to accept challenges that will help you become stronger, smarter, and more confident. Take on new projects, learn new skills, and conquer your fears!

Be patient and persistent.

You cannot become successful from one day to another; progress is made by embracing others you will need help. You could build an incredible physique by yourself, but it would be unreasonable to learn to code, or you are an expert coder, but you don't even know what the word biomechanics means. In this case, you nurture your strong points and become even better at them, and you hire experts to help you with other aspects that will save you time and headache and give you much better results than you doing it on your own! You become the best version of yourself when you persist through hardships.

Find a strong partner!

Become your best self with a strong partner!

Having a life partner who supports you and provides unconditional love is crucial! People often think that relationships and marriage are distractions; however, it was precisely the push I needed to stop procrastinating and focus on the things that matter!

Becoming the best version of yourself is an ongoing process!

You don't just become your best self and stop. That is an ongoing process, and it is very fluid. To become the best, you also sometimes need to feel the worst. To be successful, you need to be self-critical, and to reach the highs, you must also touch the lows. The key is to keep moving forward and stand up no matter how many times you fall!


Becoming the best version of yourself is a process that involves accepting challenges, getting rid of limiting beliefs, and nurturing both your physical and mental health. From embracing failure to finding a strong partner who provides unconditional love, it's important to remember that progress is made by overcoming difficulties and taking action toward self-improvement. It also helps to accept help from experts in areas you are struggling with or need more expertise. You will become the best version of yourself with patience, persistence, and dedication!

Thanks for reading this blog! I hope it helps you start your journey toward becoming a better version of yourself! 

To learn more about all things training and nutrition, check out some of our science-based blogs:

#Stay Strong


Milos Tanasic

Milos is a weight loss expert who has helped people get into the best shape of their lives in the past 10 years.

He holds a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from Subotica, Serbia where he specialized in football and sports conditioning.

Before he became a personal trainer and weight loss specialist he was a professional football player. Throughout his career, he played for clubs in Serbia, Norway, and Iceland.

Milos is also happily married to his wife, Leonie, and he is a father to Sofija and Matija.


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