12-Week Body Transformation / Personal Training with Fortius / The Power Of Transformation Lies Within You! 

Body Transformation Results with Fortius Dubai Personal Trainers

Before we get into the intricacies of this particular body transformation story, please know that the power of transformation lies within each person, and the personal trainers are there just to guide you on your body transformation journey and ensure you are optimizing your fitness regime and nutrition!

The POWER OF TRANSFORMATION lies within YOU, and sometimes it takes extra time to ignite that flame, as you will see with this particular story we are about to share with you!

Khalil's 12-week body transformation story with Fortius Personal Trainers

Khalil Dahmash Body Transformation with Fortius Dubai Personal Trainers

Khalil's fitness journey with Fortius Dubai is much longer than 12 weeks but has gone through different phases where we had:

  • The intro phase, which focused on improving exercise execution, fixing weaknesses, and preparing the body for proper resistance-based training, led us to the 2nd phase of training.

  • 2nd phase of the training phase was geared towards improving strength and muscle gain, often called a bulking phase, where we gained 8 kilograms but also increased the fat depots.

  • 3rd phase of 12 weeks focused on maintaining Khalil's strength levels and preserving muscle tissue while promoting body fat reduction, and that's what we will break down in this body transformation story!

12-week body transformation program geared towards fat loss!

Milos Tanasic Weight Training Specialist and One of the Top Personal Trainers in Dubai

12-week nutrition breakdown

To achieve the best possible outcome, tracking food intake is necessary! Only very experienced lifters tend to get decent results while incorporating intuitive eating, but this differs from most beginner and intermediate gym goers.

There was no calorie and macronutrient tracking with Khalil as he opted for the intuitive eating option. He aimed to incorporate a wholesome, protein-rich, and low-carb diet. Removed processed food intake and mostly ate home-cooked food.

12-week training program breakdown

In terms of training, Khalil incorporated three strength and hypertrophy gym sessions. One session was done with personal trainer Milos & the two weekly sessions was completed independently by following a carefully curated resistance training program.

Muscle-building program breakdown:

  • Session 1 - Leg Day

Warm Up: 

a) Hamstring walkouts 2 sets for 8 reps

b) Hip opener 2 sets for 6 reps per side

The central portion of the session:

a) Curved back hyperextension 3x10

b) Lying down hamstring curls 3x10

c) Leg extensions 3x10

d) Leg press 3x10

e) Single foot elevated reverse lunge 3x10

f) Standing calf raises 4x12

  • Session 2 - Push Pull 

a) Single arm row variation 4x8-10

b) Wide grip lat pull down 3x10

c) Seated wide grip upper back row 2x12

d) Incline dumbbell chest press 3x8-10

e) Decline chest press machine 3x10

f) Chest fly machine (Pec Dec) 3x10

  • Session 3 - Shoulders & Arms

a) Seated dumbbell shoulder press 4x8

b) Standing lateral raise 3x10

c) Reverse cross cables 3x10

d1) dumbbell reverse fly 1x10

d2) lateral raise 1x10

d3) front raise 1x10

e) Z bar biceps curl 3x8

f) Seated externally rotated dumbbell curl 2x8

g) Triceps crossover cable extensions 4x10

Important notes:

  • the main objectives throughout the 12 weeks were to maintain the same weight or increase the weight lifted

  • breaks between sets 90-120 seconds

  • tempo - controlled with the full range of motion (no particular tempo applied)

  • d1,d2,d3 = tri-set = exercises executed back to back without a break

Cardiovascular activity

No particular structure in the weekly cardio routine was applied. Khalil tried to incorporate three weekly cardiovascular activities, including 5 kilometers runs in zone 3 & 4 and paddle sessions.

Results achieved over a 12-week personal training period?

  • weight loss: 4 kilograms down from start weight

  • waist circumference: 6 cm reduction in the waist

  • body fat%: 4% reduction in body fat levels

End result a chiseled, strong physique with a great level of cardiovascular conditioning!

Check how our client Joey Ghazal reached his fitness goals!

Why do we say that the power of transformation lies within YOU?

Reaching your fitness goals is challenging and requires you to put in a lot of effort. You are the one executing the exercises, prepping your food, ensuring you get to bed in time, taking your supplements regularly, and avoiding junk food and other poor lifestyle choices. You are with the coach 3-4 hours per week or 1 hour a week like Khalil, and for the additional 167 hours per week, you don't see your trainer at all.

So no matter which muscle-building expert you work with, no matter if you have access to the best personal trainers in Dubai, YOU are ultimately the person most responsible for your success or failure!

That might sound hard, but why would you spend so much money on fitness trainers when you can do it alone you might think!?

The role of a personal trainer is crucial to ensure a successful body transformation journey, but it can only help you to a certain point! The benefits you get from working with expert personal trainers in Dubai are:

  • Optimized training program - means no wasted low-quality exercises, no wasted time in the gym, reduction in injury rates, optimized rest periods, proper intensity adjustment, exercise execution education, progressive overload, and other essential elements that a high-quality trainer will teach you in your personal training sessions.

  • Accountability - an excellent personal trainer is a role model that should inspire you to work harder, transfer some of his high energy onto you, give you the confidence that you can achieve greatness inside and outside the gym, and tell you when you have messed up! That is extremely important, and a good trainer will openly tell you when you need to level up your game!

  • Nutrition education - elite coaches will provide you with the nutrition service most appropriate for you and the instruction so that you can manage your nutrition independently after a certain period. Services vary from classic diet plans, meal delivery services, grocery lists, educational tools, app macro tracking, etc.

You can read more about whether it is worth hiring a personal trainer in our blog post that includes a study done on this matter!

If you need support on your fitness journey, do not hesitate to contact us for a FREE consultation!

Body Transformations with Fortius Dubai's leading Resistance Training Specialists!

If you are still determining whether we are the right fit for you, look at some of our other client's success stories!

To find out more about our services, check out:


At the end of the day, while personal trainers can provide an essential framework for success and guidance throughout a body transformation journey, it is up to each person to put in the hard work necessary to achieve their goals. With dedication and commitment comes great reward, as evidenced by Khalil's incredible 12-week transformation results. Book your free consultation today if you're ready to start your fitness journey with Fortius Personal Training! Our knowledgeable team of experts will be there every step of the way on this fantastic transformational adventure.

To learn more about all things training and nutrition, check out some of our science-based blogs:

  • Legs workout for massive gains, exercise videos and instructions! - link

  • Creatine for women, do you need it? - link

  • All you need to know about protein - link

  • All you need to know about Celiac disease - link

  • Gluten free meal plan for 1500 and 200 calories - link

  • How to lose fat the right way - link

  • Guide to finding the right coach for you - link

  • Top 10 gyms in Dubai - link

  • Guide for men on how to build muscle - link

  • How to achieve a body transformation - link

  • I don't eat anything; why am I not losing weight - link

  • Guide for mean on how to build muscle - link

  • What is a bespoke online program? - link

  • Tips for parents to encourage physical activity with kids - link

  • Find out more about online personal training benefits - link

  • Women's workout guide with fitness tips - link

  • Best fitness facility in Dubai - link

  • Back and hamstring workout - link

  • Push-pull workout - link

  • Push day workout with Fortius - link

  • How much muscle can you put on in a month - link

  • New breakthrough weight loss medication - link

  • How to lose belly fat: a science-based approach to weight loss - link

  • Dad bod, do you have it, and does it have to be the reality for the modern man? - link

  • Other blogs - link

Stay Strong



Online Nutrition and Fitness Coaching Services: A Guide for Online Trainers and Clients!


Achieving Sustainable Weight Loss: A Realistic Approach for Your Body Transformation